Briefing Outline:
- Visual Primary: Cologne M/Y [RR Marshalling Yard]
- PFF Primary: Same
- Visual Secondary: Same
- PFF Secondary: Same
- Last Resort: Limburg [Germany] A/F [Air Field]
TIMINGS: | | | |
Zero Hour: | - 1130 | | |
Stations: | - 0910 | | |
Start Engines: | - 0920 | | |
Taxi: | - 0930 | | |
Take Off: | - 0945 | | |
Target Time: | - 1312 | | |
ETR [Estimated Time of Return]: | - 1605 | | |
Last T.O [Take Off]: 1100
Gasoline 2,300 Gallons
Lead - | 18 x 250 G.P. [General Purpose] 1/10 N [Nose] – 1/40 T [Tail] [Fuses] plus 2 x M-17 IB [Incendiary Bomb] |
High - | Same |
Low - | Same |
Composite - | ___ |
Intervalometer Settings: Visual – Salvo. P.F.F. – 50 FT., L/R - 50'.
Chaff: Start at IP [Initial Point of Bomb Run] & continue for 21 mins. – 504 units/A/C [Aircraft].
| Disposition of Forces | [Bomb Group] | Target | Time of Departure |
| “A” Gp. in 94 CBW [Combat Bomb Wing] | 401 | Cologne M/Y [RR Marshalling Yard] | |
| “B” Gp. in 94 CBW | 351 | Cologne M/Y | 1127 |
| “C” Gp. in 94 CBW | 457 | Cologne M/Y | 1129 |
"A" Task Force | 1 Div. Lead | 401 | Cologne M/Y | 1153 |
2nd CBW | 351 | Cologne M/Y | 1154 |
3rd CBW | 457 | Cologne M/Y | 1155 |
4th CBW | 381 | Cologne M/Y | 1156 |
5th CBW | 398 | Cologne M/Y | 1156 |
| 2nd Div. | 6 Grps. 5 Grps. | Koblenz M/Y Tactical Targets | |
| 3rd Div. | 6 Grps. | Mainz | |
"B" Task Force | 1st Bomb Div. | 3 Grps. | Tactical Targets | 1159 |
"C" Task Force | 1st Bomb Div. | 2 Grps. | Ehrang M/Y | 1205 |
PFF A/C to fly as: Lead & Deputy Lead and High Squadron Lead.
Enemy planning counter-offensive in area [of] target.
Fighter Cover: 7 Gps. of P-47’s, area - 1 group P-51, Close [Support].
Other Forces: ____
Lead at | 18,500' | feet on | Kings Cliffe | Buncher |
High at | 19,500' | feet on | Kings Cliffe | Buncher |
Low at | 17,500' | feet on | Kings Cliffe | Buncher |
401st at | 17,000' | feet on | Cottesmore | Buncher |
457th at | 17,000' | feet on | Glatton | Buncher |
Composite at | ____ | feet on | ____ | Buncher |
Combat Wing Assembly Line: Thetford - Clacton
Division Assembly Line: Cromer to 52°37’N-04°37’E [Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands]
- Navigator - _____
- S-2 - _____
- Weather - _____
Special Instructions:
a. Type of Bombing Formation - Normal
b. Bombardier and Navigator of the #3 A/C of each sqdn. report to Photo Lab.
They are: Lead - Q-799, High - Z-696, Low - H-435
c. Camera A/C L-956, N-169, P-676
to return at Continental coast.
d. Spares to turn back at 03° East.
e. REMARKS: ____
351st | Woodcraft Baker | RG [Red Green] | |
401st | Woodcraft Able Leader | RY | |
457th | Woodcraft Charlie Leader | RY | |
1st Div. Air Commander | Col. Brown | | |
94th CBW Air Commander | Col. Brown | | |
Fighters | Balance 2-1 | |
Bombers | Vinegrove 2-2 | |
Grnd. Control | Mohair | |
Control Points: | | Fighter Reference Points: |
C.P. 1 - Clacton | | W - Rheine |
C.P. 2 - 51°15’N-02°55’E | | R - Hamm |
[Ostend, Belgium] | | E - Paderborn |
C.P. 3 - 50°13’N-05°44’E | | S - Kassel |
[Châbrehé, Belgium] | | T - Geissen |
_____ | | L - Koln |
_____ | | I - Koblenz |
_____ | | N - Worms |
_____ | | G - Trier |
Remarks: Reference Altitude: 22,000’
Ships To Monitor [Radio Channels A, B, C & D]
- Channel “A” - All except [the following]:
- Channel “B” - P-258, U-591, F-705
- Channel “C” - 67th F.W. [Fighter Wing] A-410
- Channel “C” - 8th A.F. [Air Force] O-277
- Channel “D” - All, except Z-376, B-701, B-349, Q-080, (8th AF Fighters).
- Runway on Take Off. ____
- Expected Runway on return. ____
- Emergency Airfields on Continent. ____
Operational Narrative – 94th “C” CBW:
Date of Mission - 18 Dec, 1944.
- Target Attacked: None. Assigned target was Cologne, Germany
- Force: 94th “B” Group. Thirty-eight aircraft, including two flying spares and three PFF ships, were dispatched.
- Position: The briefed position of second in the First Bomb Division Formation was flown.
Lead Teams
| Group Lead | |
| Group Leader: | Lt Col James T. Stewart |
| Pilot: | Captain Evan A. Poston |
| Navigator: | Captain Lester W. Boardman |
| Bombardier: | Lt Earl G. Maxwell |
| High Squadron | |
| Pilot: | Lt. Archie R. Crews |
| Co-Pilot: | Lt. Harvey W. Powell |
| Navigator: | Lt. Harry U. Perry |
| Bombardier: | Lt. Edward H. Anderson |
| Low Squadron | |
| Pilot: | Lt. Harlan E. Popp |
| Co-Pilot: | Lt. John W. Zimmerman |
| Navigator: | Lt. Orvil L. Wolz |
| Bombardier: | Lt. Jerald E. Tracewitz |
Squadron and Group Assembly: Some difficulty was encountered in the assembly when the 457th Group made part of its assembly circle over the Kings
Cliffe buncher. As a result, it was necessary for the 351st Group to make its assembly to the southwest of the buncher, rather than over it, as planned.
Route Over England: Departure from the assembly point was made on time. After departing from the buncher, the 94th "B" Group found itself outside
of Deenethorpe and being forced to the north of the briefed course by Molesworth [303rd Bomb Group]. As a result, the briefed course could not be contacted
until shortly before the departure from the English coast. The 94th "B" was ahead of time shortly before reaching the coast, and a double drift was made
in order to lose time. The altitude at the English coast was 23,200 feet, 2,700 feet above the briefed altitude. All formations had found that it would
be necessary to climb in order to get above the cloud cover. Departure from the coast was made at 1150½ - thirty seconds late.
Division Assembly Line: The 94th "B" Group got into the proper position behind the 94th "A" Group without difficulty. The briefed Division
Assembly Line was not flown, the formation taking a course to the left of the briefed course in following the preceding formation. Difficulty with
weather was encountered before the departure from the English coast, and was found to get worse over the continent. The Belgian coast was crossed to
the left of course at 1222 - six minutes late at an altitude of 27,000 feet, 2,500 feet above the briefed altitude.
Flight to Target: In the vicinity of Brussels, the weather was found to consist of cloud layers that became higher and thicker, from an
altitude of 20,000 feet. The altitude of the formation at that point was 29,600 feet. The cloud layers encountered before the IP [Initial Point of
Bomb Run] was reached were observed to reach to 31,000 feet. It was not believed possible that the formation could get over that altitude in order to
get above the weather, and formation flying would have been impossible in the clouds. Wood craft Able started to climb above the cloud cover, but the
94th "B" Group Leader, who was flying above him, advised him not to. The Weather Scouting Force recommended going to the south of course, but such a
maneuver would have put the Task Force in the area to be flown by the Second and Third Division Formations, and some difficulty would undoubtedly have
resulted. The Weather Scouting Force also recommended that the target could be attacked from an altitude of 15,000 feet, but this was deemed too low.
The 94th "B" Group Leader told the Task Force Leader that he was waiting for him to attempt to get through the heavy cloud cover at that altitude.
The Task Force Leader decided to abandon the Mission. The 94th "B" Group followed suit.
Flight From Target: The 94th "B" Group let down through a hole in the cloud cover after making three 360° turns to 15,500 feet. Divergencies
[sic] from course were made in order to stay in the best weather. A direct return to base was necessitated by a shortage of gasoline. A normal let down
procedure was followed. The High and Low Squadrons went to their stand-off areas before landing.
Fighter Support: As briefed.
Comments: No aircraft were lost. No enemy aircraft were encountered. No flak was encountered. All aircraft returned to base with bombs on
board. VHF Channel "A" was unreadable due to carrier wave. VHF Channel "B" was cluttered by the large number of formations using it.
[Signed] Clinton F. Ball, Lt Col, Air Corps, Operations Officer
Statistical Summary:
| Lead Box | High Box | Low Box | TOTAL |
No. of A/C Failing to Take Off | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No. of A/C Airborne | 13 | 13 | 12 | 38 |
No. of A/C Airborne Less Unused Spares | 12 | 12 | 12 | 36 |
No. of A/C Sorties | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No. of A/C Attacking | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No. of A/C Not Attacking | 12 | 12 | 12 | 36 |
Name of Primary Target | COLOGNE, GERMANY |
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Primary Target | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Name of Secondary Target | |
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Secondary Target | | | | |
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs | | | | |
Name of Last Resort Target (LRT) | |
(A) No. of A/C Attacking LRT | | | | |
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs | | | | |
Name of Target of Opportunity (T.O.) | | | | |
(A) No. of A/C Attacking T.O. | | | | |
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs | | | | |
No. of A/C Lost - Total | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No. of A/C Lost - Flak | | | | |
No. of A/C Lost - Flak and E/A | | | | |
No. of A/C Lost - Enemy Aircraft | | | | |
No. of A/C Lost - Accident | | | | |
No. of A/C Lost - Unknown | | | | |
Time of Take Off | 0940 | 0941½ | 0943 | |
Time of Attack | - | - | - | |
Average Time of Flight | 5:43 | 6:02 | 6:00 | |
Altitude of Release | - | - | - | |
Visual or PFF | - | - | - | |
Enemy Resistance – AA Intensity & Accuracy | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Enemy Resistance – Fighter | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Enemy Resistance – Bombers | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
U.S. A/C Engaged by Enemy Aircraft | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Degree of Success | - | - | - | |
PFF A/C were borrowed from Groups as follows: None
PFF A/C were loaned to Groups as follows: None
44-8376 | | GROUP LEAD | | |
42-97701 | | DEPUTY GROUP LEAD | | |
42-97651 | | HIGH SQDN LEAD | | |
[Lead Sqdn.] Lead Navigator’s Narrative of Raid on Cologne, 18 December, 1944
- Flight Plan and Log attached.
- Track Chart attached.
- T/O at 0923 hours.
- Group formed at 1100 hours on Kings Cliffe buncher at 18,500 feet.
- Wing assembly was completed at 1150½ hours at Clacton.
Route over England was not flown as briefed. We started north to obtain proper position in wing, but Molesworth [303rd Bomb Group] kept us from
making proper rendezvous. So we cut off one leg, reaching CP 1 [Control Point 1] ½ min. late.
- Methods of Navigation over England. Pilotage and Gee.
- Division formation was joined at 1150½ hours at Clacton.
- Flight to IP [Initial Point of Bomb Run] was not flown as briefed. Didn't reach IP but route was as briefed.
- Methods of Navigation to the I.P. Gee, pilotage and Mickey [Radar].
- Actual I.P. was (not) as briefed. None.
- True heading over target. None.
- Actual Drift ____
- Altitude over Target ____
- Time Bombs Away ____
- Wind used for bombing ____
- Method of target identification. ____
- Difficulties on bomb run. ____
- Weather over Target. ____
- Axis of withdrawal ____
Group rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Wing rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Division rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Flight home was
was not as briefed.
- Methods of navigation on return route. Gee and Pilotage.
- Winds aloft were (not) called out to the formation.
- Fighter rendezvous' were
not as briefed.
- Mickey [Radar]: OK
- Gee: OK
- Radio Compass: OK
- Fluxgate: OK
- Other Equipment OK
[Signed:] Lester W. Boardman, Capt., Air Corps, Lead Navigator, High Squadron
[High Sqdn.] Lead Navigator’s Narrative of Raid on Cologne, 18 December, 1944
- Flight Plan and Log attached.
- Track Chart attached.
- T/O [Take Off] at 0942 hours.
- Group formed at 1109 hours on Kings Cliffe buncher at 19,300 feet.
- Wing assembly was completed at ____ hours at ____.
- Route over England was not flown as briefed. Went up over Wash [a large inlet on coast northeast of Polebrook] before turning to point D.
- Methods of Navigation over England. Gee and DR [Dead Reckoning].
- Division formation was joined at 1151 hours at Clacton.
- Flight to IP [Initial Point of Bomb Run] was not flown as briefed.
- Methods of Navigation to the I.P. Gee, Mickey [Radar] and DR [Dead Reckoning].
- Actual I.P. was not as briefed.
- True heading over target. ____
- Actual Drift ____
- Altitude over Target ____
- Time Bombs Away ____
- Wind used for bombing ____
- Method of target identification. ____
- Difficulties on bomb run. ____
- Weather over Target. Clouds to about 34,000' 18 miles West of I.P.
- Axis of withdrawal ____
Group rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Wing rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Division rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Flight home was
was not as briefed.
- Methods of navigation on return route. Mickey and DR [Dead Reckoning].
- Winds aloft were not called out to the formation.
- Fighter rendezvous' were
not as briefed.
- Mickey [Radar]: OK
- Gee: ____
- Radio Compass: Needs calibrating.
- Fluxgate: OK
- Other Equipment OK
[Signed:] Harry U. Perry, 1st. Lt., Air Corps, Lead Navigator, High Squadron
[Low Sqdn.] Lead Navigator’s Narrative of Raid on Cologne, 18 December, 1944
- Flight Plan and Log attached.
- Track Chart attached.
- T/O [Take Off] at 0945 hours.
- Group formed at 1109 hours on Kings Cliffe buncher at 18,500 feet.
- Wing assembly was completed at 1150 hours at Clacton.
- Route over England was (not) flown as briefed. Went over edge of Wash [a large inlet on coast northeast of Polebrook] on route. Paralleled course rest of way.
- Methods of Navigation over England. Gee, Pilotage and DR [Dead Reckoning].
- Division formation was joined at 1150 hours at Clacton.
- Flight to IP [Initial Point of Bomb Run] was
not flown as briefed.
- Methods of Navigation to the I.P. Gee, Pilotage and DR [Dead Reckoning].
- Actual I.P. was (not) as briefed. ____
- True heading over target. ____
- Actual Drift ____
- Altitude over Target ____
- Time Bombs Away ____
- Wind used for bombing ____
- Method of target identification. ____
- Difficulties on bomb run. ____
- Weather over Target. ____
- Axis of withdrawal ____
Group rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Wing rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Division rally was accomplished at ____ at ____ hours.
Flight home was
was not as briefed.
- Methods of navigation on return route. Gee, Pilotage and DR [Dead Reckoning].
- Winds aloft were (not) called out to the formation.
- Fighter rendezvous' were not as briefed.
- Mickey [Radar]: ____
- Gee: ____
- Radio Compass: OK
- Fluxgate: OK
- Other Equipment OK
[Signed:] Orvil L. Wolz, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Lead Navigator, High Squadron
Bombardier’s Report For The Mission Of This Date:
No bombs were dropped by this Group flying the 94th CBW "B" Group on 18 December 1944 - Field Order #582.
The following reports will not be made by this office:
Combat Bombing Flight Record (12 E Modified Form).
Lead Bombardier's Narrative.
[Signed] William B. Lyttle, Captain, Air Corps, Group Bombardier.
Narrative Teletype Report:
- No leaflets were carried on today's mission.
There were no bombs dropped because of weather.
No E/A [Enemy Aircraft] were encountered and no claims [of enemy aircraft being shot down] are being submitted.
No flak was encountered during the mission.
The mission was abandoned at 50°33'N-05°26'E [Neupré, Belgium] near the I.P. [Initial Point of Bomb Run] at 1306 hours when it was found impossible for the
formation to go over or under cloud layers which extended over 30,000 feet. It was necessary to fly the route considerably above the altitude briefed, and
it was impossible from a point just before the I.P. to take the formation over the clouds.
There were no observations of military importance.
The PFF A/C [Aircraft] employed by this Group worked well. The Scouting Force furnished accurate weather information as to conditions around the target. Fighter
support was as briefed. None of our A/C are missing.
Track Chart:
Click on Chart to Enlarge
Mission Summary Report:
Abortives and Flying Spares:
- Airplane No. 42-97252, 510th Squadron, returned early as planned.
- Airplane No. 42-39001, 510th Squadron, returned early as planned.
Battle Damage:
- None received.
[Signed:] Otto R. Vasak, Major, Air Corps, Station S-4 [Engineering] Officer
The above records were obtained at the National Archives Records Administration and have been
declassified by authority NND 745005