351st Bomb Group

Polebrook, England

Group Mission #245

Credited Mission #238

DATE: 19 Dec. 1944
Target: Kall Rail Junction in Coblenz [Koblenz] Area
Briefing Outline:

    1. TARGETS: 
    2. Visual Primary: Kall Rail Junction in Coblenz Area (also GH)
    3. PFF Primary: M/Y [RR Marshalling Yard] at Coblenz
    4. Visual Secondary: 
    5. PFF Secondary: 
    6. Last Resort: Any military transport target identified as being East of battle line.

    Zero Hour: - 1000
    Stations: - 0745
    Start Engines: - 0755
    Taxi: - 0805
    Take Off: - 0820
    Target Time: - 1124
    ETR [Estimated Time
       of Return]:
    - ____

     Gasoline 2,300 Gallons

     Lead - 12 x 500 G.P. [General Purpose] 1/10 – 1/40 [Fuses]
     High - 12 x 500 G.P. [General Purpose] 1/10 – 1/40 [Fuses]
     Low - 12 x 500 G.P. [General Purpose] 1/10 – 1/40 [Fuses]
     Composite - ___

  3. Intervalometer Settings: Visual – Salvo. GH or P.F.F. – 30 FT.

  4. Chaff: 9 mins. before target for 12 mins. Each A/C – 360 units.

  5. Disposition of Forces[Bomb Group]TargetTime of Departure
    "A" Gp. in 94 CBW
    [Combat Bomb Wing]
    401 Kall - Koblenz 1009 - Clacton
    "B" Gp. in 94 CBW351Kall - Koblenz1127
    "C" Gp. in 94 CBW457Kall - Koblenz1129
    "A" FORCE1 Div. Lead41 "A"Hillesheim
    2nd CBW41 "B"Glaadt
    3rd CBW41 "C"Blankenheim
    4th CBW94 "A"Gangfurth
    4th CBW94 "B"Kall
    4th CBW94 "C"Gemund
    "B" FORCE1 Div. Lead40 "A"Schwarte1050 - Louth
    2nd CBW40 "B"Schwarte
    3rd CBW40 "C"Schwarte
    4th CBW1 "A"Schwarte
    4th CBW1 "B"Schwarte
    4th CBW1 "C"Schwarte

    2nd Division - 15 Groups, Depart Great Yarmouth - arrive target 0 [Hour] + 45 [Minutes] approach same route as 1A target.
    3rd Division - 14 Groups, Depart Southwold - arrive target 0 [Hour] + 70 [Minutes] approach same route as 1A target.
    Targets - 2nd Ehrang - Bingen - Target = 1045
    Targets - 3rd Geisen - Manty - Coblenz - Target = 1110

     6 A/C Screening Force (457).
     Base reference altitude 22,000 feet.
     Interval between Groups – 2 minutes.

  6. Fighter Cover: 4 Gps. of P-51’s [Call Sign] Balance 2-1 thru 2-4

  7. Other Forces: ____

  8. Assembly:
    Lead at15,000'feet on Kings Cliffe Buncher
    High at16,000'feet onKings CliffeBuncher
    Low at14,000'feet onKings CliffeBuncher
    401st at15,000'feet onCottesmoreBuncher
    457th at15,000'feet onGlattonBuncher
    Screening Force at17,000feet onCottesmoreBuncher

    Combat Wing Assembly Line: Splasher #6 to Clacton
    Division Assembly Line: Clacton to Enemy Coast.

  9. Navigator - _____

  10. S-2 - _____

  11. Weather - _____

  12. Special Instructions:
     a. Type of Bombing Formation - Normal
     b. Bombardier and Navigator of the #3 A/C of each sqdn. report to Photo Lab.
      They are: Lead - Z-696, High - G-862, Low - P-258
     c. Camera A/C   G-078, F-124, A-410
      to return at  ____
     d. Spares to turn back at 03°45'East.
     e. REMARKS: Division break-up point 05°00'E. Southern entrance point will be used (Felixstowe).
      Exercise every precaution to ensure that no bombs are dropped on friendly side of current tactical bomb line.
      I "A" Task Force units attack secondary, I.P. [Initial Point of Bomb Run] will be 50°10'N - 06°30'E [Hersdorf, Germany]
      4 - P-51s, Buckeye Blue, will scout route weather for A task force, arriving target area 20 minutes prior to arrival of Cowboy A
      Open Bombay doors at 05°00'E.
      Give way to North on withdrawal to avoid any 3rd Division units on way in.


    351stWoodcraft BakerRG [Red Green]Major Korges
    401stWoodcraft AbleRYLt. Colonel Brown
    457thWoodcraft CharlieRYMajor Maguire
    Screening ForceWoodcraft DogRRRAnderson
    1st Div. Air CommanderCowboy AbleGG
    94th CBW Air CommanderLt. Colonel Brown

    FightersBalance 1-3, 1-4
    BombersVinegrove 1-5
    Grnd. ControlMohair

    Control Points:Fighter Reference Points:
    C.P. 1 - ClactonT - Zwolle
    C.P. 2 - 51°13’N-02°55’EO - Dummer Lake
     [Ostend, Belgium]W - Hamm
    C.P. 3 - 50°35’N-05°00’EE - Frankfurt
     [9.5 miles NNE of Namur, Belgium]R - Koblenz
    _____I - Saarbrucken
    _____N - Trier
    _____G - Koln
    Remarks: Reference Altitude: 23,000’

  14. Ships To Monitor [Radio Channels A, B, C & D]
    1. Channel “A” - All except:
    2. Channel “B” - U-591, Q-799, B-610
    3. Channel “C” - 67th F.W. [Fighter Wing] C-640
    4. Channel “C” - 8th A.F. [Air Force] V-854
    5. Channel “D” - Available for ASR [Air Sea Rescue].

    1. Runway on Take Off. ____
    2. Expected Runway on return. ____
    3. Emergency Airfields on Continent. ____

Operational Narrative:
  1. Date of Mission - 19 December, 1944.
    1. Target Attacked: The primary target (Kall, Germany) was attacked by GH methods. [GEE-H, was a radio navigation system.]
    2. Force: 94th "B" Group. Thirty-eight aircraft, including two flying spares and three PFF ships and two GH ships were dispatched.
    3. Position: The 94th "B" Group flew its briefed position of fifth in the First Division Formation.
    4. Lead Teams
      Group Lead
      Group Leader Major Mortimer L. Korges
      Pilot:1st Lt. Charles E. Daugherty
      Navigator:2nd Lt. Albert A. Maginni
      Bombardier:1st Lt. Donald H. Stump

      High Squadron
      Leader: 1st Lt. James M. Percell
      Pilot:1st Lt. Richard G. Dinning
      Navigator:2nd Lt. John W. Bury
      Bombardier:1st Lt. Alan B. Reed

      Low Squadron
      Leader: 1st Lt. Joseph S. Angelini
      Pilot:1st Lt. Charles T. Molitor
      Navigator:1st Lt. Stanley J. Goodman
      Bombardier:1st Lt. Earl G. Maxwell
  2. Narrative.
    1.  Squadron and Group Assembly: The assembly was carried out as planned at the Kings Cliffe buncher at the briefed altitude of 15,000 feet.
    2.  Route Over England: The assembly point was departed on time (1112). However, the 94th "B" Group cut inside of the briefed course in order to get in position behind the 94th "A" Group, which was seen ahead. The 94th "A" Group was closely followed to the departure point from the English coast. As a result, the briefed route was not again contacted until the departure point from the English coast was crossed.
    3.  Division Assembly Line: Departure from the English coast was made from Clacton at 1145 - five minutes late - at the briefed altitude of 18,000 feet. The briefed Division Assembly Line was flown, and the 94th "B" Group was in its briefed position of fifth in the Division Formation. The Belgian coast was crossed at the briefed point at an altitude of 20,000 feet, 2,000 feet below the briefed position, at 1218, ten minutes late.
    4.  Flight to Target: The 94th "B" Group attempted to go below the clouds after crossing the coast, but after descending to an altitude of 20,000 feet, found that this would not be practible [sic] [practical?]. The formation climbed to 22,000 feet and found that the contrails, which had caused so much difficulty earlier in the mission, had decreased. The 94th "B" Group followed the preceding formation until it (94th "B") went to the right of course in order to get the proper spacing at the IP [Initial Point of Bomb Run]. The briefed IP was reached at 1250 - twelve minutes late, at an altitude of 22,000 feet.
    5.  Description of Bombing Run: Just after the IP was reached, the GH ship [GEE-H, was a radio navigation system.] took over the Group Lead. However, it soon became apparent that the GH equipment in this ship was not working properly. The Group Leader took over the lead position and was able to make his run on the target behind the High Squadron, which bombed first by GH methods. Both the Lead and Low Squadrons dropped on the smoke markers of the High Squadron. No difficulty other than that mentioned was encountered on the bomb run. The C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] was used and functioned satisfactorily. The target was attacked at 1308 - Fourteen minutes late.
    6.  Flight From Target: The Lead and Low Squadrons found it necessary to cut short the turn after the target in order to catch the High Squadron, which had bombed first. The group was reformed without difficulty and the High Squadron took its proper position. Clouds on the briefed route made it necessary to go to the right of the briefed course. The departure from the Belgian coast was made at the briefed point. It was reached at 1411 - six minutes late, at an altitude of 14,000 feet. The diversion message was received before the formation reached the Belgian coast. Shortly before reaching the English coast, Cycle Relay [a radio relay station] was contacted in order to request permission to cross the coast at Dover. This permission was granted, and the formation proceeded directly to Colerne, the Diversion Base. Landings were carried out without difficulty. A normal let-down procedure was followed.
    7.  Fighter Support: None.
    8.  Comments: No aircraft were lost. No enemy aircraft were encountered. No flak was encountered. The Weather Scouting Force could not be contacted throughout the mission. The flying spares and special spares landed at Colerne before the attacking force.
    9.  Aircraft Not Attacking: There were no failures to attack. The two flying spares turned back as briefed and proceeded to the Diversion Base.

  [Signed] Clinton F. Ball, Lt Col, Air Corps, Operations Officer

Supplemental Data on Mission of 19 December, 1944
  1. Following further interrogation of the crews participating in the mission of 19 December, 1944, the following adjustments in previously submitted reports are necessary:
    1. The Indicated Altitude of the lead aircraft over the target should be shown as 22,000 feet rather than 20,600 feet as previously shown. Adjustments should be made in the Flight Log, Track Chart and Navigator's Narrative Report.
    2. The necessary changes in the true altitudes over the target and the times of attack of the three squadron formations have been indicated in the corrected copy of the Statistical Summary of Operations.
  2. The following data is also submitted for inclusion in the Mission Folder for the mission of 19 December, 1944:
    1. Navigator's Narratives for the High and Low Squadrons
    2. Communications Report
    3. Bombardiers' Reports

  [Signed] Robert B. Stratton, Captain, Air Corps, Statistical Officer

Statistical Summary:
Lead BoxHigh BoxLow BoxTOTAL
No. of A/C Failing to Take Off0000
No. of A/C Airborne13131238
No. of A/C Airborne Less Unused Spares12121236
No. of A/C Sorties12121236
No. of A/C Attacking12121236
No. of A/C Not Attacking0000
Name of Primary TargetKALL, GERMANY
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Primary Target12121236
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs 140 x 500# GP  141 x 500# GP  143 x 500# GP  424 x 500# GP* 
Name of Secondary Target
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Secondary Target
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
Name of Last Resort Target (LRT)
(A) No. of A/C Attacking LRT
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
Name of Target of Opportunity (T.O.)
(A) No. of A/C Attacking T.O.
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
No. of A/C Lost - Total0000
No. of A/C Lost - Flak
No. of A/C Lost - Flak and E/A
No. of A/C Lost - Enemy Aircraft
No. of A/C Lost - Accident
No. of A/C Lost - Unknown
Time of Take Off094509460947
Time of Attack130813071308
Average Time of Flight5:455:455:45
Altitude of Release20,900’21,650’20,235’
Enemy Resistance – AA Intensity & AccuracyNoneNoneNone
Enemy Resistance – Fighter0000
Enemy Resistance – Bombers0000
U.S. A/C Engaged by Enemy Aircraft0000

* - Due to the fact that all aircraft were diverted to Colerne, little data on the mission is yet available. It has been assumed above that all bombs carried were dropped. Any additional data or changes in the Statistical Summary of Operations will be submitted as soon as it becomes available.

PFF A/C were borrowed from Groups as follows: None
PFF A/C were loaned to Groups as follows: None

42-107125Lead SquadronFrom 384th Group
43-37777High SquadronFrom 379th Group
44-8376Group Lead
42-97687High Squadron
42-97701Low Squadron

Lead Bombardier’s Narrative:
Date - 19 Dec. 1944
Field Order # 583
Squadron or Group - High Sqdn., 94th "B" Group
Target - Kall, Germany (Ground Support)
  1. Type of Bombing (Visual, PFF or Combined)?  G.H. Method
  2. Did Squadron perform own sighting operation, bomb on smoke marker, or was bombing done in Group Formation? Bombing was in Group Formation with the Lead and Low Sqdn. dropping on the High Sqdn. Mag. [Magnetic Compass] heading of Lead was 111°. Low's Mag. was 120°.
  3. Was turn made at briefed I.P.? 50°21'N 05°04'E [Francesse, Belgium].
  4. Cloud coverage and visibility. 10/10ths Cloud Coverage.
  5. If Visual, when was MPI identified? If not actually seen, how was it located? G.H. Bombing.
  6. Any Interference on Bomb Run? None.
  7. Did C-1 [Autopilot] function satisfactory? Yes.
  8. Any other factors affecting accuracy? None.
  [Signed] Eldon L. Stear, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Lead Bombardier

Combat Bombing Flight Record:

High Squadron, 94th CBW "B" Group Bombardier - 1st Lt. Stear, Eldon L.
Pilot - 1st Lt. Belmeyer, John I.
Navigator - 1st Lt. Martin, John W.

Aircraft B-17G   Q-777  Take-off - 0925 Landed - ____
Objective - Kall, Germany (Ground Support)
Aiming Point (MPI) [Mean Point of Impact] - As Briefed
Initial Point - 50°21'N 05°04'E [Francesse, Belgium]
Method of Attack - Group
No. of Attacking A/C in Group: - 36   Composite Group - ____
Number A/C Dropping Bombs by own Sighting Operation: One
Deflection and Range Sighting, Group: One   Composite Group - ____
Range Sighting only, Group - ____   Composite Group - ____
Bombs, Types and Sizes - 10 x 500 Lb. AN-M43 G.P.[General Purpose] & 2 Markers
Number of Bombs Loaded - As Above   Released - Same
Fusing, Nose - 1/10   Tail - 1/40
Synchronization - On

Information at Release Point:  Bombing was by G.H. method.

Altitude of Target - +1312Magnetic Heading Ordered 105° Actual 075°
True Altitude Above Target - 21,650True Heading 070°
Indicated Altitude - 22,800Drift, Estimated 12° Left - Actual 10° Left
Pressure Altitude of Target ____True Track 060°
Altimeter Setting 29.92Actual Range 12295.5'
Calculated Indicated Air Speed - 150KBomb Sight Type - M-9
True Air Speed - 211KTime of Release 1307
Ground Speed Est. 237 Actual 237Length of Bombing Run - 8 min.
Wind Direction Metro - 210° Actual - 211°Intervalometer Setting - 30 feet.
Wind Velocity Metro 50 Actual 68 C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] - Yes
D.S. - 138.2  Trail - 51   ATF - 38.63A-5 Pilot _____
Tan. D.A, Est. .59 Actual .58 Manual Pilot - ____

Type of Release - Train - 30 Feet.
Point of Impact If Seen - Unobserved
Mean Temp. Metro -8.5 Actual -8
Winds - Altitude - 24,000 Ft.  Direction - Metro 210°  Actual 211°  Velocity - Metro 50k  Actual 68k
Temp C. - Metro -34° C. Actual -32° C.

Narrative Teletype Report:
  1. No leaflets were carried on today's mission.
  2. Bombing was done by GH Methods [GEE-H, was a radio navigation system.] on tactical targets at Kall, Germany through 10/10ths clouds. Photographs show no ground detail or bomb bursts.
  3. No enemy aircraft was [sic] encountered and no claims [of enemy aircraft being shot down] are being submitted.
  4. No flak was encountered by this Group.
  5. There were 10/10ths clouds in the target area, and dense persistent contrails at bombing altitude.
  6. Nil [No observations of Military importance.]
  7. PFF equipment worked well, although bombing was done on GH equipment. The Scouting Force was not contacted. Fighter support was as briefed. None of our aircraft is missing, but the majority of the Group is still away from base.

Track Chart:
Click on Chart to Enlarge

Mission Summary Report:
  1. Abortives and Flying Spares:
    1. Airplane No. 42-97169, 509th Squadron, returned early as planned.
    2. Airplane No. 42-31714, 510th Squadron, returned early as planned.
  2. Battle Damage:
    1. None
  [Signed:] John W. Freeman, Captain, Air Corps, Group Engineering Officer

“J” Form:
  1. Last Four numbers and Call Letter of A/C in each Squadron:
    a. 94th Combat Wing "B" Group   Lead Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: (Z–8376 PFF),
    Sqdn 509th A/C: C–8640, F–6566, G–6078, M–7964, O–7595, T–1384, V–7854, U–8591, Z–7696, (N–7169 Spare)
    Sqdn 510th A/C: None
    Sqdn 511th A/C: C–8694
    Sqdn 545th A/C: (G-7125 - 384TH Group G.H. A/C)

    b. 94th Combat Wing "B" Group   Low Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: A–8410, B–7349, C–8753, F–1711, G–8567, K–8130, L–7956, M–7900, O–8277, P–7258, Q–8799
    Sqdn 509th A/C: (B–7701 PFF)
    Sqdn 510th A/C: None
    Sqdn 511th A/C: None

    c. 94th Combat Wing "B" Group   High Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: None
    Sqdn 509th A/C: None
    Sqdn 510th A/C: A–8465, B–6610, D–7957, F–7124, G–7862, H–8280, R–1714, S–7512, T–8461, U–7216, (N–7665 Spare)
    Sqdn 511th A/C: (Z–7687 PFF)
    Sqdn 525th A/C: (Q–7777 PFF - 379TH Group - G.H. A/C)
  2. Target: GSGS 4416 Sheet S1
  3. Taxi – 0805 0935; Take-Off – 0820 0950; E.T.D. Field – 0820 0950
  4. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing English Coast: (OUT)
    1015 114518,000 Ft Clacton
  5. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing Enemy Coast: (IN)
    1038 120822,000 Ft 51°13'N-02°55'E [Ostend, Belgium]
  6. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing Enemy Coast: (Out)
    1235 140510,000 Ft 51°13'N-02°55'E [Ostend, Belgium]
  7. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing English Coast: (IN)
    1308 14386,000 Ft Felixstowe
  8. E.T.R.(Estimated Time of Return) Base: 1351 1521 Hours
  9. MF/DF [Medium Frequency/Direction Finder] Section: "G"
  10. Bomb load of Each A/C: "A" Lead Box
    Lead Squadron: 13 [Planes] 12 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40
    Low Squadron: 12 [Planes] 12 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40
    High Squadron: 13 [Planes] 12 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40
    ___ Squadron:
  11. Fuel Load of each A/C: 2300 Gallons
  12. Leaders:
    Lead Sqdn: Rank & Name: Major Korges A/C No & Sqdn. Z-8376 PFF (508)
    Low Sqdn: Rank & Name: Lt. Angelini A/C No & Sqdn. B-7701 PFF (509)
    High Sqdn: Rank & Name: Lt. Purcell A/C No & Sqdn. Z-7687 PFF (511)
  13. Passengers, if any: (Full Name, Rank, A/C and Squadron Passenger flying with)

Report Compiled By ____

Formation Chart:
94th CBW "B" Group - Lead Squadron Formation at Take–Off and Over Target
509th Squadron
A/C 44-8376 Z PFF
A/C 43-37696 Z
A/C 42-107125 G
A/C 43-38694 C
A/C 44-6566 F
A/C 43-37854 V
A/C 42-31384 T
A/C 43-38640 C
A/C 43-38591 U
A/C 43-37595 O
A/C 42-97169 N Spare
A/C 43-37964 M
A/C 44-6078 G

[Flying Spare returned as planned.]

94th CBW "B" Group - High Squadron Formation at Take–Off and Over Target
510th Squadron
A/C 42-97687 Z PFF
A/C 43-37862 G
A/C 43-37777 Q (G.H.)
A/C 43-37512 S
A/C 43-37957 D
A/C 44-6610 B
A/C 43-38461 T
A/C 43-38465 A
A/C 42-97216 U
A/C 44-8280 H
A/C 42-31714 R Spare
A/C 42-107124 F
A/C 43-37665 N
Special Spares
A/C 44-6802 X
A/C 43-37515 L

[Flying Spare returned as planned.] [Special Spares - Patterson & Haskins flew with the group to the continent and returned as planned in order to gain experience as they are new to the Group.]

94th CBW "B" Group - Low Squadron Formation at Take–Off and Over Target
508th Squadron
A/C 42-97701 B PFF
A/C 42-97258 P
A/C 42-97349 B
A/C 43-37900 M
A/C 43-38130 K
A/C 43-37956 L
A/C 43-38799 Q
A/C 43-38567 G
A/C 43-38753 C
A/C 43-38650 M
A/C 42-31711 F
A/C 44-8410 A

Time Schedule:
Zero Hour: 1000 BST [British Standard Time]  Briefing: Enlisted Men 0500, Officers 0530 Stations: 0915 Start Engines: 0925 Taxi: 0935 Take-Off: 0950  Leave Base: 0950 [Breakfast: Enlisted Men 0400, Officers 0430]

[Wounded On Mission: 0]
The above records were obtained at the National Archives Records Administration and have been declassified by authority NND 745005
Please contact us with your comments and corrections.