351st Bomb Group

Polebrook, England

Group Mission #253

Credited Mission #246

DATE: 3 Jan. 1945
Target: R.R. Junction S of Cologne, Germany
Briefing Outline:

    1. TARGETS: 
    2. Visual Primary: R.R. Junction S of Cologne [Germany]
    3. PFF Primary: M/Y [R.R. Marshalling Yard] in Cologne
    4. Visual Secondary: M/Y [R.R. Marshalling Yard] in Cologne
    5. PFF Secondary: ____
    6. Last Resort: ____

    Zero Hour: - 0930
    Stations: - 0710
    Start Engines: - 0720
    Taxi: - 0730
    Take Off: - 0745
    Target Time: - 1055
    ETR [Estimated Time
       of Return]:
    - 1330

      Gasoline 2,700 Gallons

     Lead - 12 x 500 G.P. [General Purpose] 1/10 – 1/40 [Fuses]
     High - Same
     Low - Same
     Composite - ___

  3. Intervalometer Settings: Visual – Salvo. GH - 75 FT, P.F.F. – 100 FT.

  4. Chaff: Start Release at 6° East & commence for 24 min. Each A/C – 576 units.

  5. Disposition of Forces [Bomb Group]TargetTime of Departure
    "A" Gp. in 94 CBW
    [Combat Bomb Wing]
    "B" Gp. in 94 CBW 351____1127
    "C" Gp. in 94 CBW457____1129
    1 Div. Lead1____
    2nd CBW40____
    3rd CBW94____
    4th CBW41____
    2nd Div.320 A/CTactical Targets SW of
    1st Division Targets
    3rd Div.4 Grps.Tactical Targets
    3rd Div.324 A/CTwo Targets E of Frankfurt

    PFF A/C to fly as: Lead of each Squadron.

    REMARKS: ____

  6. Fighter Cover: 4 Gps. of P-51’s For Close Support

  7. Other Forces: 2 Gps P-51's Area Support

  8. Assembly:
    Lead at18,000'feet on Kings Cliffe Buncher
    High at19,000'feet onKings CliffeBuncher
    Low at17,000'feet onKings CliffeBuncher
    401st at18,000'feet onCottesmoreBuncher
    457th at18,000'feet onGlattonBuncher
    Composite at____feet on____Buncher
    Combat Wing Assembly Line: Splasher 6 to Colchester to N. Foreland
    Division Assembly Line: N. Foreland to 51°13’N-02°55’E [Ostend, Belgium]

  9. Navigator - _____

  10. S-2 - _____

  11. Weather - _____

  12. Special Instructions:
    a. Type of Bombing Formation - Normal - Group Formation if GH; Squadron Formation if PFF.
    b. Bombardier and Navigator of the #3 A/C of each sqdn. report to Photo Lab.
     They are: Lead - L-956, High - Z-696, Low - G-862
    c. Camera A/C   F-711, N-665, H-280
     to return at   The Coast Out[bound]
    d. Spares to turn back at Belgian Coast
    e. REMARKS: Possibility of Diversion.
     Bomb Bay doors will be opened at 0500°E.
     Read three teletypes.


    351stWoodcraft BakerRG [Red Green]Col Stewart
    401stWoodcraft AbleRYMajor McCree
    457thWoodcraft CharlieRYCapt. Doherty
    1st Div. Air CommanderSwordfish AbleGGMajor Davis
    94th CBW Air Commander____

    FightersBalance 3-2, 3-3Buckeye Red
    BombersVinegrove 3-7Sun Hat Leader
    Grnd. ControlMohair 741

    Control Points:Fighter Reference Points:
    Remarks: Reference Altitude: 22,000’

  14. Ships To Monitor [Radio Channels A, B, C & D]
    1. Channel “A” - All except:
    2. Channel “B” - J-978, F-566, C-694
    3. Channel “C” - 67th F.W. [Fighter Wing] G-954
    4. Channel “C” - 8th A.F. [Air Force] O-277
    5. Channel “D” - All Available

    1. Runway on Take Off. ____
    2. Expected Runway on return. ____
    3. Emergency Airfields on Continent. ____

Operational Narrative.
  1. Date of Mission - 3 January, 1945.
    1. Target Attacked: The secondary target at Cologne, Germany, was attacked by the three squadrons using PFF equipment.
    2. Force: 94th “B” Group. Thirty-eight aircraft, including one GH aircraft, three PFF ships, and two flying spares, were dispatched.
    3. Position: The 94th "B" Group flew in its briefed position as seventh group in the First Division Formation.
    4. Lead Teams
      Group Lead
      Air Commander: Lt Col James T. Stewart
      Pilot:Captain Evan A. Poston
      Navigator:Captain Lester W. Boardman
      Bombardier:1st Lt. Earl G. Maxwell

      High Squadron
      Leader: 1st Lt. Harvey W. Powell
      Pilot:1st Lt. Archie R. Crews
      Navigator:1st Lt. Harry U. Perry
      Bombardier:1st Lt. Edward H. Andersen

      Low Squadron
      Leader: 1st Lt. Harlan E. Popp
      Pilot:2nd Lt. John W. Zimmerman
      Navigator:1st Lt. Orvil L. Wolz
      Bombardier:1st Lt. Jerald E. Traczewitz
  2. Narrative.
    1.  Squadron and Group Assembly: The assembly was carried out at the Kings Cliffe buncher at the briefed altitude of 18,000 feet.
    2.  Route Over England: The assembly was carried out slowly and resulted in the 94th "B" Group departing from the assembly area five minutes late (0919). Due to the fact that it was necessary to make up time, the briefed route was not followed, but a heading towards the departure point from the English coast was taken. Due to a higher tail wind than briefed, the formation found that it would reach the departure point early. Shortly before the departure from the coast, the formation made a deviation to the north in order to lose time. This, however, was not sufficient, for after that, it was necessary to cut inside of course and avoid North Foreland in order to stay behind the 94th "A" Group.
    3.  Division Assembly Line: North Foreland, the briefed departure point, was never reached. In following the 94th "A" Group, the 94th "B" Group passed to the north of this point. At 0953, the 94th "B" Group was eight miles to the north of North Foreland, and four minutes early. A second deviation to the north of course was flown in order to lose more time and to enable the group to take the proper interval behind the 94th "A" Group. From that point on, the Division Assembly Line was paralleled and the Division Column was followed. The 94th "B" Group was in its briefed position (seventh).
    4.  Flight to Target: The Belgian coast was crossed four minutes early (1008). The altitude at that point was 24,000 feet, 1,000 feet below the briefed altitude. There was variance from course to the target in following the Division column. On the last leg of the flight before the IP [Initial Point of Bomb Run], it was found that the GH equipment was inoperative. It was decided to make a run on the secondary target and attack by PFF. In order to get into position for the bomb run, the formation passed through the briefed IP and made a bomb run on the secondary target which paralleled that briefed for the primary target. The chosen IP was reached at 1039, the time briefed for the arrival at the briefed IP. The altitude at that point was 24,700 feet.
    5.  Description of Bombing Run: The secondary target at Cologne, Germany, was attacked by PFF methods. Each squadron made its own bomb run and performed its own sighting operation. The briefed turn was not made at the briefed IP. Cloud cover in the target was ten-tenths. No interference was encountered on the bomb run, and the C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] functioned satisfactorily. Results were not observed.
    6.  Flight From Target: It was necessary to take evasive action after leaving the target. The briefed route was soon contacted west of Aachen, but could not be closely followed when it became necessary to echelon [arranged in parallel lines] to the right on preceding formations. This put the 94th "B" Group several miles to the right of the briefed course. Some uncertainty was present as to the proper point of departure from the Belgian coast. The result was that the Air Commander chose the departure point that he believed to be correct. As indicated on the track chart, this point was north of the point which the navigator thought was correct. Departure from the Belgian coast was made three minutes early (1159) at an altitude of 10,000 feet. The English coast was crossed at 1,000 feet and the formation proceeded to base in poor visibility. The dog-leg in the briefed course just before base was reached was not flown due to bad weather in that area. The High and Low Squadrons went to their respective stand-off areas and landings were carried out without difficulty. A normal let-down procedure had been followed.
    7.  Fighter Support: Fair
    8.  Comments: No aircraft were lost. Aircraft 42-102676, pilot Lt Fox, landed in Belgium with two engines out. The crew is safe. No enemy aircraft were encountered. Flak in the target area was meager to moderate, scattered, and inaccurate. Out [sic] Scouting Force was not heard, but weather information was relayed to this group by another scouting force.
    9.  Aircraft Not Attacking: Three aircraft are reported as having failed to attack. The flying spares remained with the formation.

  [Signed] Carl C. Hinkle, Jr., Major, Air Corps, Operations Officer

Statistical Summary:
Lead BoxHigh BoxLow BoxTOTAL
No. of A/C Failing to Take Off0000
No. of A/C Airborne13*131238
No. of A/C Airborne Less Unused Spares13131238
No. of A/C Sorties10131235
No. of A/C Attacking1013**1235
No. of A/C Not Attacking3003
Name of Primary TargetCOLOGNE, GERMANY
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Primary Target10131235
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs 116 x 500# GP  154 x 500# GP  143 x 500# GP  413 x 500# GP 
Name of Secondary Target
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Secondary Target
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
Name of Last Resort Target (LRT)
(A) No. of A/C Attacking LRT
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
Name of Target of Opportunity (T.O.)
(A) No. of A/C Attacking T.O.
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
No. of A/C Lost - Total0000
No. of A/C Lost - Flak
No. of A/C Lost - Flak and E/A
No. of A/C Lost - Enemy Aircraft
No. of A/C Lost - Accident
No. of A/C Lost - Unknown
Time of Take Off074007420745
Time of Attack10501051½1051½
Average Time of Flight5:375:486:01
Altitude of Release24,410’25,220’23,675’
Enemy Resistance – AA Intensity & AccuracyMODERATE AND INACCURATE
Enemy Resistance – Fighter0000
Enemy Resistance – Bombers0000
U.S. A/C Engaged by Enemy Aircraft0000
Degree of SuccessUNOBSERVED

* - Includes one GH aircraft from 379th Bomb Group.
** - Flying spare scheduled with the High Sqdn filled in and bombed with the Lead Sqdn.
One aircraft, 42-102676, landed on the continent.

PFF A/C were borrowed from Groups as follows: None
PFF A/C were loaned to Groups as follows: None

7905379th GroupDeputy Lead
PFF Aircraft
44-8045351st GroupGroup Lead
44-8079351st GroupHigh Sqdn Lead
42-97687351st GroupLow Sqdn Lead

Lead Bombardier’s Narrative:
Date - 3 Jan. 1945
Field Order # 579
Squadron or Group - Lead Sqdn., 94th CBW "B" Group
Target - Cologne, Germany
  1. Type of Bombing (Visual, PFF or Combined)?  PFF
  2. Did Squadron perform own sighting operation, bomb on smoke marker, or was bombing done in Group Formation? Squadron performed own sighting operation.
  3. Was turn made at briefed I.P.? 51°03'N 05°28'E
  4. Cloud coverage and visibility. 10/10
  5. If Visual, when was MPI identified? If not actually seen, how was it located? PFF
  6. Any Interference on Bomb Run? None
  7. Did C-1 [Autopilot] function satisfactory? Yes
  8. Any other factors affecting accuracy? NO
  [Signed] Earl G. Maxwell, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Lead Bombardier

Combat Bombing Flight Record:

Lead Squadron, 94th "B" Group Bombardier - 1st Lt. Maxwell, Earl G.
Pilot - Lt. Col. Stewart, J.T. & Capt. Poston, E.A.
Navigator - Capt. Boardman, Lester W.

Aircraft B-17G   L-045  Take-off - 0745 Landed - 1315
Objective - Cologne, Germany
Aiming Point (MPI) [Mean Point of Impact] - PFF
Initial Point - 51°03'N 05°28'E
Method of Attack - Squadron
No. of Attacking A/C in Group: - 12   Composite Group - ____
Number A/C Dropping Bombs by own Sighting Operation: ____
Deflection and Range Sighting, Group: One   Composite Group - ____
Range Sighting only, Group - ___   Composite Group - ____
Bombs, Types and Sizes - 12 x 500 G.P.[General Purpose] AN-M43 & Markers
Number of Bombs Loaded - As Above   Released - Same
Fusing, Nose - 1/10   Tail - 1/40
Synchronization - On PFF

Information at Release Point:     10/10ths Undercast

Altitude of Target - 185Magnetic Heading Ordered 097° Actual 122°
True Altitude Above Target - 24,410True Heading 115°
Indicated Altitude - 24,620Drift, Estimated 5° Right - Actual 5° Left
Pressure Altitude of Target -111True Track 110°
Altimeter Setting 29.92Actual Range 14,612'
Calculated Indicated Air Speed - 150KBomb Sight Type - M-9
True Air Speed - 193KTime of Release 1050
Ground Speed Est. 263 Actual 256KLength of Bombing Run - 15 Min.
Wind Direction Metro - 300° Actual - 285°Intervalometer Setting - 75 Feet
Wind Velocity Metro 47 Actual 68 C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] _____
D.S. - 127  Trail - 57   ATF - 41.44A-5 Pilot _____
Tan. D.A, Est. .59 Actual .64 Manual Pilot - X [Used]

Type of Release - Train
Point of Impact If Seen - Unobserved
Mean Temp. Metro -14 Actual -14
Winds - Altitude - 24,000 Ft.  Direction - Metro 300°  Actual 278°  Velocity - Metro 47  Actual 68K
Temp C. - Metro -39° C. Actual -37° C.

Lead Bombardier’s Narrative:
Date - 3 Jan. 1945
Field Order # 579
Squadron or Group - High Sqdn., 94th CBW "B" Group
Target - Cologne, Germany
  1. Type of Bombing (Visual, PFF or Combined)?  PFF
  2. Did Squadron perform own sighting operation, bomb on smoke marker, or was bombing done in Group Formation? Squadron performed own sighting operation.
  3. Was turn made at briefed I.P.? 51°03'N 05°28'E
  4. Cloud coverage and visibility. 10/10ths
  5. If Visual, when was MPI identified? If not actually seen, how was it located? PFF
  6. Any Interference on Bomb Run? None
  7. Did C-1 [Autopilot] function satisfactory? Yes
  8. Any other factors affecting accuracy? NO
  [Signed] Edward H. Andersen, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Lead Bombardier

Combat Bombing Flight Record:

Lead Squadron, 94th "B" Group Bombardier - 1st Lt. Andersen, Edward H.
Pilot - 1st Lt. Powell, Harvey W.
Navigator - 1st Lt. Perry, Harry U.

Aircraft B-17G   V-079  Take-off - 0742 Landed - 1332
Objective - Cologne, Germany
Aiming Point (MPI) [Mean Point of Impact] - PFF
Initial Point - 51°03'N 05°28'E
Method of Attack - Squadron
No. of Attacking A/C in Group: - 12   Composite Group - ____
Number A/C Dropping Bombs by own Sighting Operation: ____
Deflection and Range Sighting, Group: One   Composite Group - ____
Range Sighting only, Group - ___   Composite Group - ____
Bombs, Types and Sizes - 12 x 500 G.P.[General Purpose] AN-M43 & Markers
Number of Bombs Loaded - As Above   Released - Same
Fusing, Nose - 1/10   Tail - 1/40
Synchronization - On

Information at Release Point:    

Altitude of Target - 185Magnetic Heading Ordered 097° Actual 101°
True Altitude Above Target - 25,220True Heading 095°
Indicated Altitude - 25,500Drift, Estimated 4° Right - Actual 1° Right
Pressure Altitude of Target -111True Track 096°
Altimeter Setting 29.92Actual Range 13,000'
Calculated Indicated Air Speed - 150KBomb Sight Type - M-9
True Air Speed - 222KTime of Release 1051½
Ground Speed Est. 263 Actual 292KLength of Bombing Run - 15 Min.
Wind Direction Metro - 300° Actual - 275°Intervalometer Setting - 75 Feet
Wind Velocity Metro 47 Actual 60 C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] - X [Used]
D.S. - 126.2  Trail - 57   ATF - 40.88A-5 Pilot _____
Tan. D.A, Est. .58 Actual .54 Manual Pilot - ____

Type of Release - Train 75'
Point of Impact If Seen - Unobserved
Mean Temp. Metro -14 Actual -14
Winds - Altitude - 24,000 Ft.  Direction - Metro 300°  Actual 275°  Velocity - Metro 45  Actual 60K
Temp C. - Metro -39° C. Actual -37° C.

Lead Bombardier’s Narrative:
Date - 3 Jan. 1945
Field Order # 579
Squadron or Group - Low Sqdn., 94th CBW "B" Group
Target - Cologne, Germany
  1. Type of Bombing (Visual, PFF or Combined)?  PFF
  2. Did Squadron perform own sighting operation, bomb on smoke marker, or was bombing done in Group Formation? Squadron performed own sighting operation.
  3. Was turn made at briefed I.P.? 51°03'N 05°28'E
  4. Cloud coverage and visibility. 10/10ths
  5. If Visual, when was MPI identified? If not actually seen, how was it located? PFF
  6. Any Interference on Bomb Run? None
  7. Did C-1 [Autopilot] function satisfactory? Yes
  8. Any other factors affecting accuracy? NO
  [Signed] Jerald E. Traczewitz, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Lead Bombardier

Combat Bombing Flight Record:

Lead Squadron, 94th "B" Group Bombardier - 1st Lt. Traczewitz, Jerald E.
Pilot - 1st. Lt. Popp, Harlan E.
Navigator - 1st. Lt. Wolz, Orvil L.

Aircraft B-17G   Z-687  Take-off - 0745 Landed - 1400
Objective - Cologne, Germany
Aiming Point (MPI) [Mean Point of Impact] - PFF
Initial Point - 51°03'N 05°28'E
Method of Attack - Squadron
No. of Attacking A/C in Group: - 12   Composite Group - ____
Number A/C Dropping Bombs by own Sighting Operation: ____
Deflection and Range Sighting, Group: One   Composite Group - ____
Range Sighting only, Group - ___   Composite Group - ____
Bombs, Types and Sizes - 12 x 500 G.P.[General Purpose] AN-M43 & Markers
Number of Bombs Loaded - As Above   Released - Same
Fusing, Nose - 1/10   Tail - 1/40
Synchronization - On

Information at Release Point:  

Altitude of Target - 185Magnetic Heading Ordered 097° Actual 116°
True Altitude Above Target - 23,675True Heading 109°
Indicated Altitude - 23,900Drift, Estimated 4° Right - Actual 1° Left
Pressure Altitude of Target -111True Track 108°
Altimeter Setting 29.92Actual Range 14,428'
Calculated Indicated Air Speed - 150KBomb Sight Type - M-9
True Air Speed - 221KTime of Release 1051½
Ground Speed Est. 263 Actual 276KLength of Bombing Run - 15 Min.
Wind Direction Metro - 300° Actual - 285°Intervalometer Setting - 75 Feet
Wind Velocity Metro 47 Actual 58 C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] _____
D.S. - 129  Trail - 57   ATF - 40.88A-5 Pilot _____
Tan. D.A, Est. .60 Actual .63 Manual Pilot - X [Used]

Type of Release - Train 75'
Point of Impact If Seen - Unobserved
Mean Temp. Metro -14 Actual -14
Winds - Altitude - 24,000 Ft.  Direction - Metro 300°  Actual 285°  Velocity - Metro 47  Actual 58K
Temp C. - Metro -39° C. Actual -32° C.

Narrative Teletype Report:
  1. No leaflets were carried on today's mission.
  2. Bombing was done by PFF methods, each squadron bombing on its own lead. Results of the lead and high squadrons are estimated to be fair, with the main concentration of bombs of these two squadrons dropping on the east side of the secondary target - Cologne. Results of the low squadron are estimated to be good, dropping in the heart of the industrial section of Cologne. No ground detail can be seen on photographs due to 10/10ths clouds obscuring the target area.
  3. No enemy aircraft was encountered, and no claims [of enemy planes being shot down] are being submitted.
  4. Flak in the target area was meager to moderate, scattered, and inaccurate. On the route out meager, inaccurate flak was encountered at Euskirchen and Vogelsand.
  5. 10/10ths cloud conditions prevailed in the target area, requiring PFF bombing methods.
  6. Nil [No observations of Military importance].
  7. PFF units were employed and the equipment worked well, with results as indicated in paragraph 2 above. Fighter support was fair. Our Scouting Force was not heard, but weather information was relayed to this Group by another Scouting Force. Our A/C P-676 landed in Belgium with two engines u/s [unserviceable]. Our A/C N-169 landed at Wittering and shortly returned to home base. None of our A/C is lost.

Track Chart:
Click on Chart to Enlarge

Combat Crew Comments:

    508th Squadron:
A/C 193-L: What is the reason for excessive power on bomb run? - Lt. Johnson.

    509th Squadron:
A/C 964-M: High element out of position at time of bombs away. - Lt. Mueller.
      From IP to target air speed is too high and it is too difficult to maintain position; this has occurred on last 4 or 5
      missions. - Lt. Mueller.
A/C 854-V: The formation was very poor at bombs away. - Lt. Smith.

    511th Squadron:
A/C 694-C: Suggest that a single-edge razor blade be put in plane, or else that dinghy knives be sharpened for cutting away
      clothing of wounded men. On the last mission we had great difficulty getting at the wound of one of our men. -
      Lt. Kasper.

  [Signed:] Robert P. Ramsey, Major, Air Corps, Group S-2 [Intelligence].

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. L-37956 Squadron - 508 -Lead  Date - 3 Jan. 1945
    1. Reason for abortive #3 Eng. throwing oil - oil pressure went down to 30#, feathered Eng.
    2. Place and altitude K.C. [Kings Cliffe] buncher - 17,000'
    3. Time 0845
    4. Position in formation #3 Lead, Lead Element
    5. Disposition of bombs B.B. [Brought Back]
    6. Remarks None
      (Pilot's Signature) Robert S. Parnell

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. F-31711 Squadron - 508 - lead  Date - 3 Jan. 1945
    1. Reason for abortive Pilots oxy. system out.
    2. Place and altitude Kings Cliffe at 18,000'
    3. Time 0915
    4. Position in formation #2 in Low Low - Lead sqdn.
    5. Disposition of bombs B.B. [Brought Back]
    6. Remarks The leak seemed to be in the tunnel.
      (Pilot's Signature) Henry F. Kale
    1. Cause (if mechanical) I found Oxygen leak in TT [Top Turret] swivel joint. Didn't shut valve off - and using portable bottle - valve failed - backed out of resolving of Turret - Mech. failure.
    2. Responsibility 
    3. Tyoe if abortive 
    4. Position in formation 
    5. Disposition of bombs 
    6. Remarks 
      (Eng. Officer's Signature) B

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. C-8753 Squadron - 508 - Lead  Date - 3 January, 1945
    1. Reason for abortive: Could only get 24" HG [Mercury] on #3 engine. #2 manifold pressure was oscillating.
    2. Place and altitude: 51°57'N 00°54'E [3.5 miles N of Colchester, England]  20,000 ft.
    3. Time: 0950
    4. Position in formation: No. 2 in Low section, lead box
    5. Disposition of bombs: Landed
    6. Remarks: None
      (Pilot's Signature) John W. Crutcher
    1. Cause (if mechanical): No. 3 Turbo Gov. [Governor] out.
    2. Responsibility: ____
    3. Type if abortive: ____
    4. Position in formation: ____
    5. Disposition of bombs: ____
    6. Remarks: Mechanical Malfunction.
      (Eng. Officer's Signature) ____

“J” Form:
  1. Last Four numbers and Call Letter of A/C in each Squadron:
    a. 94th Combat Wing "B" Group   Lead Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: L–7956, K–8130, J–7973, C–8753, O–8277, G–8954, M–7900, F–1711
    Sqdn 509th A/C: None
    Sqdn 510th A/C: M–9001, B–6610, (R–1714 Spare)
    Sqdn 511th A/C: (L–8045 PFF)
    Sqdn 524th A/C: (B–7905 GH) 379th Group

    b. 94th Combat Wing "A" Group   Low Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: None
    Sqdn 509th A/C: None
    Sqdn 510th A/C: G–7862, L–7515, H–8280, P–8038
    Sqdn 511th A/C: (Z–7687 PFF), B–8691, Q–8080, F–7705, H–8435, C–8694, J–6579, P–2676

    c. 94th Combat Wing "A" Group   High Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C:
    Sqdn 509th A/C: Z–7696, Q–8116, P–7843, O–7595, L–7193, F–6566, U–8591, C–8640, M–7964, N–7169, (V–7854 Spare)
    Sqdn 510th A/C: N–7665, (V–8079 PFF)
    Sqdn 511th A/C: None
  2. Target: GSGS 4416 - 5006E/5107/C/L
  3. W/T and R/T Operational Call Sign of each Squadron:
    Squadron508 [Call Sign]W/T SGD R/T CARLTONSquadron510 [Call Sign]W/T SYJ R/T TIPSTAFF
    Squadron509 [Call Sign]W/T WWS R/T HOTMINTSquadron511 [Call Sign]W/T NVX R/T PARTNERSHIP
  4. Taxi – 0730; Take-Off – 0745; E.T.D. Field – 0745
  5. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing English Coast: (OUT)
    095722,000 Ft North Foreland
  6. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing Enemy Coast: (IN)
    101225,000 Ft 51°13'N 02°55'E [Ostend, Belgium]
  7. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing Enemy Coast: (Out)
    120210,000 Ft 51°13'N 02°55'E [Ostend, Belgium]
  8. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing English Coast: (IN)
    12385,000 Ft Felixstowe
  9. E.T.R.(Estimated Time of Return) Base: 1328 Hours
  10. MF/DF [Medium Frequency/Direction Finder] Section: "G"
  11. Bomb load of Each A/C: "A" Lead Box
    Lead Squadron: 12 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40
    Low Squadron: 12 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40
    High Squadron: 12 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40
    ___ Squadron:
  12. Fuel Load of each A/C: 2780 Gallons
  13. Leaders:
    Lead Sqdn: Rank & Name: Lt. Col. Stewart A/C No & Sqdn. L-8045 PFF (511)
    Low Sqdn: Rank & Name: 1st Lt Popp A/C No & Sqdn. Z-7687 (511)
    High Sqdn: Rank & Name: 1st Lt. Powell A/C No & Sqdn. V-8079 (510)
  14. Passengers, if any: (Full Name, Rank, A/C and Squadron Passenger flying with)

Report Compiled By Shepard, M/Sgt.

Formation Chart:
94th "B" Combat Bomb Group - Lead Squadron Formation at Take–Off
508th Squadron
A/C 44-8045 L PFF
A/C 43-37956 L
A/C 43-37905 B GH
A/C 43-38130 K
A/C 43-39001 M
A/C 43-37978 J
A/C 43-38753 C
A/C 43-38277 O
A/C 43-38954 G
A/C 43-37900 M
A/C 42-31714 R Spare
A/C 44-6610 B
A/C 42-31711 F

94th "B" Group Lead Squadron Formation Over–Target
508th Squadron
A/C 44-8045 PFF
A/C 43-38277 O
A/C 43-37905 B GH
A/C 43-38130
A/C 43-39001 M
A/C 43-37978 J
H.F. Smith
A/C 43-37854 V
A/C 42-31714 R
A/C 43-38954 G
A/C 43-37900 H
A/C 44-6610 B

Lt. Parnell aborted and his position was filled by Lt. Zimmerman.
Lt. Zimmerman's position was filled by Lt. Sugg the Lead Sqdn. Spare Aircraft.
Lt. Crutcher aborted and his position was filled by Lt. H.F. Smith the High Sqdn. Spare Aircraft.
Lt. Kale aborted. His position was not filled.

94th "B" Combat Bomb Group - High Squadron Formation at Take–Off and Over Target
509th Squadron
A/C 44-8079 V PFF
A/C 43-37696 Z
A/C 43-38116 Q
A/C 42-97843 P
A/C 43-37595 O
Johnson, E.G.
A/C 42-97193 L
A/C 44-6566 F
A/C 43-38591 U
A/C 43-38640 C
A/C 43-37964 M
Smith, H.F.
A/C 43-37854 V Spare
A/C 43-37665 N
A/C 42-97169 N

Lt H.F. Smith flying Spare Aircraft filled in the Lead Squadron when Lt. Crutcher aborted.

94th "B" Combat Bomb Group - Low Squadron Formation at Take–Off and Over Target
511th Squadron
A/C 42-97687 Z PFF
A/C 43-37862 G
A/C 43-38691 B
Johnson, H.C.
A/C 43-38080 Q
A/C 43-37705 F
A/C 43-37515 L
A/C 43-38435 H
A/C 43-38694 C
A/C 44-6579 J
A/C 42-102676 P
A/C 44-8280 H
A/C 42-38038 P

Lt. Fox, after the target, landed in Belgium with two engines out.

Time Schedule:
Zero Hour: 0930 BST [British Standard Time]  Briefing: Enlisted Men 0430, Officers 0500  Stations: 0710 Start Engines: 0720 Taxi: 0730 Take-Off: 0745  Leave Base: 0745 [Breakfast: Enlisted Men 0330, Officers 0400]

[Wounded On Mission: 0]
The above records were obtained at the National Archives Records Administration and have been declassified by authority NND 745005
Please contact us with your comments and corrections.