351st Bomb Group

Polebrook, England

Group Mission #276

Credited Mission #269

DATE: 21 Feb. 1945
Target: Naval Armament - Nurnberg, Germmany

    1. TARGETS:     PLAN "B"
    2. Visual Primary and GH target for today is: Naval Arm. - Nurnberg [Germany]
    3. PFF Primary: Nurnberg R/Y Station [Germany]
    4. Visual Secondary: Nurnberg R/Y Station [Germany]
    5. PFF Secondary: Nurnberg R/Y Station [Germany]
    6. Last Resort: Goppingen [Germany] A/D [Airdrome]

    Zero Hour: - 0830Stations: - 0535
    Start Engines: - 0645Taxi: - 0705
    Take Off: - 0720Last Take Off: - 0830
    Target Time: - 1133ETR [Estimated Time
       of Return]:

    - 1520
    Depart English Coast at: 0909at Felixstowe

     Gasoline: 2,780 Gallons
     Bombs:5 x 500 G.P. [General Purpose] 1/10 x 1/100 [Fuses] & 5 M-17's - Bomb Altitude 26,500'

  3. Intervalometer Settings: Visual & P.F.F. – 140 FT. - Last Resort - Salvo

  4. Chaff: Commence discharge of chaff at - 13 minutes before Target for 18 minutes.
      Each A/C [Aircraft] will carry - 432 units.

  5. Disposition of Forces:

    3 Divisions will be dispatched. The 1st Air Division will depart England 2nd preceded by 3rd Division and followed by the 2nd Division.
    1st Division will dispatch 4 CBW's of 3 Groups each.
    The order of attack in the 1st Division will be:
    2nd Division targets areNurnberg
    3rd Division targets areNurnberg

  6. Fighter Cover: 8 Gps. of P-51's - Balance 2 [Call Sign] Close Support - 2 Gps. of P-51's - Balance 2-7 & 2-8

  7. Assembly:
    Lead at8,500'feet on Kings Cliffe BuncherRed-GreenFlares
    High at9,500'feet onKings CliffeBuncherGreen-GreenFlares
    Low at7,500'feet onKings CliffeBuncherRed-RedFlares
    401st at7,000'feet onCottesmoreBuncherRed-YellowFlares
    457th at8,500'feet onGlattonBuncherRed-YellowFlares
    Combat Wing Assembly Line:  Splasher #6 - Felixstowe
    Division Assembly Line: Felixstowe - Continental Coast
    _1_ minute interval between Groups.
    Reference altitude: 24,000

  8. Call Signs:
    351stWoodcraft Charlie
    401stWoodcraft Baker
    457thWoodcraft Able
    1st Div. Air CommanderMajor Strickland - Cowboy Able
    94th CBW Air CommanderMajor Spencer - Woodcraft Able

  9. Navigator - _____

  10. S-2 - _____

  11. Weather - _____

  12. Communications - _____

  13. Flying Control - _____

  14. Special Instructions:
     a. Type of Bombing Formation - Normal - Visual - Squadrons; PFF - Group
     b. Bombardier and Navigator of the #3 A/C [Aircraft] of each sqdn. report to Photo Lab.
     c. Camera A/C:  C-753, M-964, Z-696
      return at   03°00'E
     d. Spares to turn back at 03° East.
     e. PFF A/C fly as Lead - Deputy Lead - High & Low Lead
     f. GH A/C fly as None
     g. REMARKS: 
      8 P-51's - Buckeye Blue - Scouting Force
      See Item #4 under #6 - Special Instructions Plan A
      Russian Recognition Signal Feb 21
      No Targets within 100 miles of Russian lines unless assigned


Operational Narrative.
  1. Date of Mission - 21 February, 1945.
    1. Target Attacked:  The secondary target at Nurnberg, Germany, was attacked by PFF methods.
    2. Force: Thirty-nine aircraft, including four PFF ships and three flying spares were dispatched.
    3. Position: 94th "C" Group. Briefed and flew as the last group in the 1st Division Formation.
    4. Lead Teams
      Group Lead
      Air Commander: Lt Col James T. Stewart
      Pilot:Captain Norman A. Trapp
      Navigator:1st Lt John C. Talbott
      Bombardier:1st Lt Robert E. McFarlane

      High Squadron
      Group Leader: Captain Robert P. Redman
      Pilot:Captain Frank H. Wilcox
      Navigator:2nd Lt Rolland X. Madsen
      Bombardier:1st Lt Jack P. Austin

      Low Squadron
      Group Leader: Captain Benjamin F. Nay
      Pilot:Captain Jay H. Maish
      Navigator:1st Lt Melvin L. Ouder
      Bombardier:1st Lt Mart G. Smith
  2. Narrative.
    1.  Squadron and Group Assembly: The assembly was carried out very well at the Kings Cliffe buncher. Departure from the assembly point was made 30 seconds early (0830½) at the briefed altitude of 8,500 feet.
    2.  Route Over England: After leaving the buncher, the 94th “C” followed the 94th “B” on the outside (left). Spaulding was reached on course and on time. From that point, the route followed was directly to Control Point #1 in trail of the 94th “A” and “B” Groups. In spite of this attempt to reach Control Point #1 on time, the 94th “C” was 1½ minutes late (0910½). The altitude at that point was 10,200 feet, 1300 feet below the briefed height. The climb after leaving the buncher had been made slowly.
    3.  Division Assembly Line: The first Combat Wing Leader arrived at Control Point #1 late and as a result there were several groups at that point at the same time. Some difficulty resulted in getting into proper position in the Division Column. It was necessary for the 94th “C” to go to the right of the briefed course before crossing the Belgian coast in order to fall back into its briefed spot at last group in the Division Column. The 94th “B” Group was in its proper position, but the 94th “A” Group, by following the briefed route, had gotten ahead of the First Combat Wing formation, which was scheduled to precede the 94th Combat Wing.
    4.  Flight to Target: The 94th “C” Group returned to the briefed route at the Belgian coast. It was crossed one minute late (0942) at an altitude of 14,600 feet, 3,100 feet above the briefed height. The Division Column was followed in the flight to the target. This took the formation to the south of the briefed course for some distance. The planned route was paralleled before passing Mainz, but it later became necessary to go to the north in an attempt to avoid flak in the Frankfurt area. Apparently the flak defenses were set up along the river banks, and so it became necessary to go through the flak at the Rhine River and to attempt to skirt it at Frankfurt. After passing Frankfurt, the formation turned due south, which took it to the right of the briefed route, and turned due east for the run on Nurnberg, This maneuver made the bombing run almost twice as long as had been planned. The briefed IP [Initial point of Bomb Run] was passed on the north. This point was passed at 1150, 28 minutes late. The altitude at that point was as briefed, 26,500 feet.
    5.  Description of Bombing Run: The secondary target at Nurnberg, Germany, was attacked in group formation by PFF methods. The briefed turn was not made at the IP [Initial Point of Bomb Run]. The target was found to be completely covered. No interference was encountered on the bomb run. The C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] functioned satisfactorily.
    6.  Flight From Target: After bombing, the 94th “C” followed the Division Column on the withdrawal. It was later necessary for the formation to fly to the left of the briefed course while echeloned to the left in the Division Formation. The 94th “C” closed into the briefed point at the Belgian coast and crossed it at an altitude of 11,000 feet. The formation flew to the left of the briefed course in the flight from Ostend to Felixstowe, but crossed the English coast at the briefed point. Felixstowe was reached at an altitude of 11,000 feet and a gradual let-down procedure was followed which ended three miles east of base. The Lead Squadron landed while the High and Low Squadrons went to their respective stand-off areas.
    7.  Fighter Support: Very good.
    8.  Comments: No aircraft were lost. No enemy aircraft were encountered. Meager and inaccurate flak was encountered at the target. Ten-tenths clouds prevailed in the target area and en route. Moderate and persistent contrails were encountered. The Weather Scouting Force was contacted and furnished correct information. It had been contacted twice before the target was reached. The first report indicated that a visual assist would be possible, but the second report said that the target was completely covered.
    9.  Aircraft Not Attacking: Two aircraft returned early, one of which attacked a target of opportunity at Wiebach, Germany. The three flying spares returned as planned.

  [Signed] Carl C. Hinkle, Jr, Major, Air Corps, Operations Officer

351st Bombardmant Group
Lead BoxHigh BoxLow BoxTOTAL
No. of A/C Failing to Take Off0000
No. of A/C Airborne13131339
No. of A/C Airborne Less Unused Spares12121236
No. of A/C Sorties12121236
No. of A/C Attacking11121235
No. of A/C Not Attacking1001
Name of Primary Target
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Primary Target
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
Name of Secondary TargetNURNBERG, GERMANY
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Secondary Target10121234
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs 50 x 500# GP 
50 x 500 M-17
 60 x 500# GP 
60 x 500 M-17
 60 x 500# GP 
60 x 500 M-17
 120 [170] x 500# GP 
120 [170] x 500 M-17
Name of Last Resort Target (LRT)
(A) No. of A/C Attacking LRT
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
Name of Target of Opportunity (T.O.)Wiebaden
(A) No. of A/C Attacking T.O.11
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs5 x 500# GP
5 x 500 M-17
5 x 500# GP
5 x 500 M-17
No. of A/C Lost - Total0000
No. of A/C Lost - Flak
No. of A/C Lost - Flak and E/A
No. of A/C Lost - Enemy Aircraft
No. of A/C Lost - Accident
No. of A/C Lost - Unknown
Time of Take Off072007210722
Time of Attack120212021202½
Average Time of Flight8:278:388:48
Altitude of Release25,895’25,895’25,895’
Enemy Resistance – AA Intensity & AccuracyMODERATE AND ACCURATE
Enemy Resistance – Fighter0000
Enemy Resistance – Bombers0000
U.S. A/C Engaged by Enemy Aircraft0000

PFF A/C were borrowed from Groups as follows: None
PFF A/C were loaned to Groups as follows: None


Lead Bombardier’s Narrative:
Date - 21 Feb., 1945
Field Order # 636
Squadron or Group - Lead Sqdn., 94th "C" Group
Target - Nurnberg, Germany
  1. Type of Bombing (Visual, PFF or Combined)?  PFF
  2. Did Squadron perform own sighting operation, bomb on smoke marker, or was bombing done in Group Formation? Bombing was in group formation - Low's M.H. [Magnetic Compass Heading] was 105°, High's M.H. was 105° - bombs were released at 1202 hours.
  3. Was turn made at briefed I.P.? Yes
  4. Cloud coverage and visibility. 10/10
  5. If Visual, when was MPI identified? If not actually seen, how was it located? PFF
  6. Any Interference on Bomb Run? None
  7. Did C-1 [Autopilot] function satisfactory? Yes
  8. Any other factors affecting accuracy? None
  [Signed] Robert E. McFarlane, Captain, Air Corps, Lead Bombardier

Combat Bombing Flight Record:

I certify that this 12E Form is complete and accurate.
[Signed] Warren C. Steitz, Captain, Air Corps, Group Bombardier.

Lead Squadron, 94th "C" Group Bombardier - Captain
Pilot - Lt. Col. Stewart, J.T. & Capt. Trapp, N.A.
Navigator - 2nd Lt. Eaton, Donald H.

Aircraft B-17G   Z-375  Take-off - 0720 Landed - 1545
Objective - Nurnberg, Germany
Aiming Point (MPI) [Mean Point of Impact] - PFF
Initial Point - As Briefed
Method of Attack - Group
No. of Attacking A/C in Group: - 36   Composite Group - ____
Number A/C Dropping Bombs by own Sighting Operation: ____
Deflection and Range Sighting, Group: One   Composite Group - ____
Range Sighting only, Group - __   Composite Group - ____
Bombs, Types and Sizes - 5 x M17 I.B's [Incendiary Bomb]; 5 x 500 Lb. G.P.[General Purpose] & Markers
Number of Bombs Loaded - As Above   Released - Same
Fusing, Nose - 1/10   Tail - 1/100
Synchronization - On

Information at Release Point:  Bombing was in Group Formation

Altitude of Target - 1020'Magnetic Heading Ordered 080° Actual 095°
True Altitude Above Target - 25,893True Heading 090°
Indicated Altitude - 26,500Drift, Estimated 7° Right - Actual 13° Left
Pressure Altitude of Target +354True Track 077°
Altimeter Setting 29.92Actual Range 12,935'
Calculated Indicated Air Speed - 150KBomb Sight Type - M-9
True Air Speed - 197KTime of Release 1202
Ground Speed Est. 232 Actual 174KLength of Bombing Run - 35 N.M. [Nautical Miles]
Wind Direction Metro - 340° Actual - 160°Intervalometer Setting - 140 feet
Wind Velocity Metro 25K Actual 38K C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] - X [Used]
D.S. - 124.7  Trail - 60   ATF - 42.5A-5 Pilot _____
Tan. D.A, Est. .50 Actual .448 Manual Pilot - ____

Type of Release - Train 140'
Point of Impact If Seen - Unobserved
Mean Temp. Metro -14.5 Actual -14.5
Winds - Altitude - 26,000 Ft.  Direction - Metro 340°  Actual 160°  Velocity - Metro 25K  Actual 38K
Temp C. - Metro -41° C. Actual -41° C.

Narrative Teletype Report:
  1. No leaflets were carried by this group.
  2. The three squadrons of this group, flying as “C” Group of the 94th CBW, bombed the secondary target at Nurnburg, Germany by PFF methods. Photos show the target area covered with clouds and smoke. Mickey operators believe the bombfall to be to the right and approximately one mile over the assigned MPI [Mean Point of Impact].
  3. No E/A [Enemy Aircraft] were encountered and no claims [of enemy aircraft being shot down] are being submitted.
  4. There was meager flak at the target, but it was very inaccurate for our formation. Moderate accurate flak was encountered at St. Goar, and meager accurate flak in the vicinity of Bitburg. Meager to moderate inaccurate flak was encountered north of Frankfurt and north of Freiburg.
  5. 10/10 clouds prevailed in the target area and on route. Moderate and persistent contrails were also encountered.
  6. No observations of military importance were made.
  7. Four PFF A/C [Aircraft] were employed by this Group. All equipment functioned well. Fighter support was very good. The Scouting Force was contacted and its information was correct. None of our crew members were able to see the British target indicator bombs because of the 10/10 cloud coverage. None of our A/C are missing.

Track Chart:
Click on Chart to Enlarge

Combat Crew Comments:

    508th Squadron:
A/C 116-Q Our incendiaries were loaded wrong and we could not use the crank on the doors. - Lt. Harpater.

    509th Squadron:
A/C 964-M Leader of the low section, low squadron flew too close and crowded us into the No. 2 man of the Low. He is a good
      smooth pilot though. - Lt. Hammett.

    510th Squadron:
A/C 665-N High element leader, high squadron was good; but No. 3 did not fly formation well. - Lt. Blaney.

    511th Squadron:
A/C 565-Q There should be something in the A/C to clean windows with. - Lt Brennan.
      The cord of the navigator's head-set should be longer. - Lt. Dohun.

  [Signed:] Charles A. Hillway, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Ass't S-2 [Intelligence] Officer.

Mission Summary Report:
  1. Abortives:
    1. Airplane No. 43-38130, 508th Squadron returned early because of a faulty #3 electronic supercharger governor.
    2. Airplane No. 42-97258, 508th Squadron returned early because of extensive battle damage. Investigation revealed #3 and #4 turbo superchargers damaged and the rudder and control cables of the elevator were damaged.
    3. Airplane No. 44-6566, 509th Squadron returned early as planned.
    4. Airplane No. 43-37512, 510th Squadron returned early as planned.
    5. Airplane No. 44-6082, 511th Squadron returned early as planned.
  [Signed:] John W. Freeman, Captain, Air Corps, Group Engineering Officer

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. K-38130 Squadron - 508 Lead  Date - 21 Feb. 1945
    1. Reason for abortive Nos. 2 & 3 superchargers out
    2. Place and altitude 50°12'N - 08°02'E 24,000'
    3. Time 1052
    4. Position in formation No. 3 in high element of lead
    5. Disposition of bombs dropped at 50°12'N - 08°02'E [Near Heidenrod, Germany]
    6. Remarks None
    7. Time & Date dispatched 1400; 21 Feb '45
      (Pilot's Signature) J.W. Anderson

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. P-97258 Squadron - 508 - Lead  Date - 21 Feb. 1945
    1. Reason for abortive Number 3 & 4 turbos shot out, oxygen shot out, Rudder controls shot out, hole in Gas Tank #4
    2. Place and altitude 50°08'N - 08°17'E
    3. Time 1108
    4. Position in formation #2 in Low Low of Lead Sqdn.
    5. Disposition of bombs Salvoed on Weisbaden.
    6. Remarks #3 & #4 engines dropped to 12" hg. salvoed ball turret & excess weight as we were dropping fast
    7. Time & Date dispatched 1445 2/21/45
      (Pilot's Signature) John J. James, 2nd Lt.

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. D-6082 Squadron - 511 Low  Date - 21 Feb. 1945
    1. Reason for abortive Flying Spare
    2. Place and altitude 50°38'N - 04°02'E
    3. Time 1012
    4. Position in formation Spare
    5. Disposition of bombs Returned
    6. Remarks All ships were in Low Low - Too far back
    7. Time & Date dispatched ____
      (Pilot's Signature) Daniel A. Oen

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. F-6566 Squadron - 509 - Lead  Date - 21 Feb. 1945
    1. Reason for abortive Flying Spare
    2. Place and altitude 04° E 18,000'
    3. Time 1007
    4. Position in formation High Squadron
    5. Disposition of bombs Brought Back
    6. Remarks Formation Full - Low Squadron Strung Out
    7. Time & Date dispatched ____
      (Pilot's Signature) Thomas M. Ryan

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. S-37512 Squadron - 510 - High Date - 21 Feb. 1945
    1. Reason for abortive Flying Spare
    2. Place and altitude 04°12'E 18,000' Near Brussles
    3. Time 1006
    4. Position in formation ____
    5. Disposition of bombs Brought them back
    6. Remarks 36 ships in formation - Low Box strung out
    7. Time & Date dispatched ____
      (Pilot's Signature) Elvin L. Haskins

“J” Form:
  1. Last Four numbers and Call Letter of A/C in each Squadron:
    a. 94th Combat Wing "C" Group   Lead Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: (Z–8376 PFF), A–8410, C–8753, G–8954, K–8130, M–7900, P–7258, Q–8799, Y–6108
    Sqdn 509th A/C: O–8920, Q–8166, (F–6566 Spare),
    Sqdn 510th A/C: V–8079
    Sqdn 511th A/C: None

    b. 94th Combat Wing "C" Group   Low Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: B–7349
    Sqdn 509th A/C: (B–7701 PFF), L–2955, M–7964
    Sqdn 510th A/C: None
    Sqdn 511th A/C: A–8428, B–8691, F–7705, H–8435, J–6579, N–8592, Q–6565, U–7216, (D–6082 Spare)

    c. 94th Combat Wing "C" Group   High Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: None
    Sqdn 509th A/C: C–8640, T–8666, Z–7696
    Sqdn 510th A/C: (Y–7651 PFF), G–7862, H–8280, K–7252, L–7515, M–9001, N–7665, P–8038, T–8461, (S–7512 Spare)
    Sqdn 511th A/C: None
  2. Target: (Plan "A" GN-5803) (Plan "B" GR-3668)
  3. W/T and R/T Operational Call Sign of each Squadron:
    Squadron508 [Call Sign]W/T MSY R/T CARLTONSquadron510 [Call Sign]W/T RFX R/T TIPSTAFF
    Squadron509 [Call Sign]W/T JTS R/T HOTMINTSquadron511 [Call Sign]W/T WXX R/T PARTNERSHIP
  4. Taxi – Plan "A" 0655
    Plan "B" 0705 Take-Off – Plan "A" 0710
    Plan "B" 0720 E.T.D. Field – Plan "A" 0710
    Plan "B" 0720
  5. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing English Coast: (OUT)
    Plan "A" 085711,500 Ft Felixstowe
    Plan "B" 090911,500 Ft Felixstowe
  6. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing Enemy Coast: (IN)
    Plan "A" 094121,500 Ft 52°44'N-04°38'E [Camperduin, Netherlands]
    Plan "B" 094111,500 Ft 51°13'N-02°55'E [Ostend, Belgium]
  7. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing Enemy Coast: (Out)
    Plan "A" 134221,500 Ft 52°44'N-04°38'E [Camperduin, Netherlands]
    Plan "B" 14229,000 Ft 51°10'N-02°54'E [Leffinge, Belgium]
  8. Time:Height:  Place of Crossing English Coast: (IN)
    Plan "A" 14326,500 Ft Felixstowe
    Plan "B" 14406,500 Ft Felixstowe
  9. E.T.R.(Estimated Time of Return) Base: Plan "A" 1512 Hours - Plan "B" 1520 Hours
  10. MF/DF [Medium Frequency/Direction Finder] Section: "G"
  11. Bomb load of Each A/C:
    Lead Squadron: 5 x 500 G.P.[General Purpose] - 1/10 x 1/100 Plus 5 x M17 IB [Incendiary Bomb] Fusing 39.5
    Low Squadron: 5 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/100 Plus 5 x M17 IB Fusing 39.5
    High Squadron: 5 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/100 Plus 5 x M17 IB Fusing 39.5
    ___ Squadron:
  12. Fuel Load of each A/C: 2780 Gallons
  13. Leaders:
    Lead Sqdn: Rank & Name: Lt. Col. Stewart A/C No & Sqdn. Z-8376 PFF (508)
    Low Sqdn: Rank & Name: Captain Nay A/C No & Sqdn. B-7701 PFF (509)
    High Sqdn: Rank & Name: Captain Wilcox A/C No & Sqdn. Y-7651 PFF (510)
  14. Passengers, if any: (Full Name, Rank, A/C and Squadron Passenger flying with)

Report Compiled By Maksimik, John, S/Sgt.

Formation Chart:
94th "C" Combat Bomb Group - Lead Squadron Formation at Take–Off
508th Squadron
A/C 44-8376 Z PFF
A/C 44-6108 Y
A/C 44-8079 V PFF
Peterson, T.G.
A/C 44-8410 A
A/C 43-38116 Q
A/C 43-38799 Q
A/C 43-38954 G
Anderson, J.W.
A/C 43-38130 K
A/C 43-38920 O
A/C 43-37900 M
A/C 44-6566 F Spare
A/C 43-38753 C
A/C 42-97258 P

94th "C" Group Lead Squadron Formation Over–Target
508th Squadron
A/C 44-8376 Z PFF
A/C 44-6108 Y
A/C 44-8079 V PFF
Peterson, T.G.
A/C 44-8410 A
A/C 43-38116 Q
A/C 43-38799 Q
A/C 43-38954 G
A/C 43-38920 O
A/C 43-37900 M
A/C 44-6566 F Spare
A/C 43-38753 C

[Lt. Anderson Aborted]
[Lt. James Aborted]
[Lt. Ryan, the flying spare, returned as planned]

94th "C" Combat Bomb Group - High Squadron Formation at Take–Off and Over Target
510th Squadron
A/C 42-97651 Y PFF
A/C 42-38038 P
A/C 43-39001 M
A/C 43-38666 T
A/C 42-97252 K
A/C 43-38640 C
A/C 42-38461 T
A/C 43-37515 L
A/C 43-37665 N
A/C 43-37862 G
A/C 43-37512 S Spare
A/C 44-8280 H
Peterson, A.E.
A/C 43-37696 Z

[Lt Haskins, the flying spare, returned as planned.]

94th "C" Combat Bomb Group - Low Squadron Formation at Take–Off and Over Target
511th Squadron
A/C 42-97701 B PFF
A/C 43-38592 N
A/C 42-97349 B
A/C 43-38428 A
A/C 43-38691 B
A/C 44-6565 Q
A/C 42-102955 L
A/C 43-38435 H
A/C 43-37705 F
A/C 44-6579 J
A/C 44-6082 D Spare
A/C 43-37964 M
A/C 42-97216 U

[Lt Oen, the flying spare, returned as planned.]

Time Schedule:
Zero Hour: 0830 BST [British Standard Time]  Briefing: Enlisted Men 0345; Officers 0415 Stations: 0635 Start Engines: 0645 Taxi: 0705 Take-Off: 0720  Leave Base: 0720 [Breakfast: Enlisted Men 0245; Officers 0315]

[Wounded On Mission: 1]
The above records were obtained at the National Archives Records Administration and have been declassified by authority NND 745005
Please contact us with your comments and corrections.