351st Bomb Group

Polebrook, England

Group Mission #286

Credited Mission #279

DATE: 4 Mar. 1945
Target: Aircraft Factory at Schwabmunchun, Germany

  1. Ask 508th, 509th and 510th Operations representatives if their crews are all present.

  2. Read Special briefing poop.

    1. The Visual Primary for today is: Schwabmunchun [Germany] A/C [Aircraft] Factory
    2. PFF Primary: Augusburg M/Y [RR Marshalling Yard]
    3. Visual Secondary: ____
    4. PFF Secondary: Chemnetz [Chemnitz, Germany]
    5. Last Resort Target: Laupheim; Leipheim

  4. S-2 [Intelligence] Information: Not hit recently - Factory for construction & assembly of the wings and fuselage components of German Jet-propelled ME-262.

  5. Weather:

  6. Time Schedule:
    Zero Hour: - 0900Stations: - 0425
    Start Engines: - 0435Taxi: - 0455
    Take Off: - 0510Last Take Off: - ____
    Intercept Group at____at____ ft.
    Target Time: ____ETR [Estimated Time
       of Return]:

    Depart English Coast at: ____at ____

    Time on oxygen: ____ hours

    TIME TICK [Set your watches.]

  7. Loadings:
     Gasoline: 2,780 Gallons
     Bombs: 6 x 500 G.P. 1/10 x 1/40 [Fuses] + 4 M-17 I.B.'s [Incendiary Bomb]

  8. Intervalometer Settings: 100 Ft.

  9. Chaff: Commence discharge of chaff at - 10 min. after I.P. & continue for 12 min.
      Each A/C [Aircraft] will carry - 288 units.

  10. Disposition of Forces:

    3 Divisions will be dispatched. The 1st Air Division will depart England 3rd preceded by 2nd Division and followed by the 3rd Division.
    1st Division will dispatch 4 CBW's of 2 or 3 Groups each.
    The order of attack in the 1st Division will be:
    2nd Division targets areGielbelstadt; Kitzingen; Aschaffenburg
    3rd Division targets areNeuburg; Furth; Nurnberg

  11. Fighter Cover: 4 Gps. of P-51's; 2 Free Lance Groups.
    8 P-51 A/C will scout weather & target conditions
    2 P-51 will Scout weather in Assembly Areas

  12. Assembly:
    Lead at11,000feet on A-39 BuncherRed-GreenFlares
    High at12,000feet onBuncherFlares
    Low at10,000feet onBuncherFlares
    401st at1400feet onBuncherFlares
    457th atfeet onBuncherFlares
    Combat Wing Assembly Line: ____
    Division Assembly Line: ____
    2 minutes interval between Groups.
    Reference altitude: 21,000'
    Bombing altitude: 20,000'
    Point for instrument let-down Kings Cliffe magnetic heading of 30 degrees.

  13. Call Signs:
    351stWoodcraft Baker
    401stWoodcraft Able
    1st Div. Air CommanderLt. Col. Seawell - Woodcraft Able Lead
    94th CBW Air CommanderCol. Stewart

  14. The following ships will monitor [Radio Channels]- "B" - D-694, D-082, N-169; "C" - 8th A.F. - B-610; "C" - 67th Fighter Wing - S-512.
    Other Communications information will be found on the flimsy.

  15. FLYING CONTROL: _____

     a. Type of Bombing Formation - GH & PFF in Group Formation; by squadrons if visual & interval has been taken at I.P. [Initial Point of Bomb Run].
     b. Bombardier and Navigator of the #3 A/C of each sqdn. report to Photo Lab.
      The A/C are: P-038, U-813, High - O-920
     c. Ball Turret Gunners of the following A/C report to Photo Lab: C-020, B-610, B-349, M-900, U-591, C-942
     d. Camera A/C: L-515, K-130, K-252
      return at  Continental Coast Out
     e. Spares to turn back at 06°00' East.
     f. PFF A/C fly as Group Deputy & Low Squadron Lead.
     g. GH A/C fly as Group & High Squadron Lead
     h. REMARKS:  Meager to Moderate Enemy A/C opposition may be expected.
     Stay off channel "D" - Fighters need it for Emergency
     Don't land on A-97 [Sandweiler, Luxembourg] - will not support A/C - Dire Emergency on Y-33 [Thionville, France];
      Make every effort to reach runway
     Emer.-6440 will be used at all fields
     Man all guns in dark while taxiing
     No test firing [guns] over friendly territory or when friendly escort is close
     Avoid Leiston area when returning or fly above 8,000 feet.

  17. You are reminded not to discuss the target. EXERCISE ALL SECURITY MEASURES.


Operational Narrative.
  1. Date of Mission - 4 March, 1945.
    1. Target Attacked:  The Primary Target, Schwabmunchen, Germany, was attacked by GH methods.
    2. Force: The 351st Group formed the “B” Group of the 94th Combat Wing. Thirty-eight aircraft, including one GH ship of the 381st Group, three PFF ships, and two flying spares, were dispatched.
    3. Position: The 94th “B” Group flew in its briefed position as the second formation in the Division Column.
    4. Lead Teams
      Group Lead
      Air Commander: Lt Col James T. Stewart
      Pilot:Captain Norman A. Trapp
      Navigator:1st Lt. Albert W. Luich
      Bombardier:Captain Robert E. McFarlane

      Low Squadron
      Group Leader: 1st Lt. Thomas G. Peterson
      Pilot:2nd Lt. Douglas W. Creek
      Navigator:2nd Lt. Robert G. Craig
      Bombardier:2nd Lt. Robert L. Adams

      High Squadron
      Group Leader: Captain Jay H. Maish
      Pilot:2nd Lt. Paschael M. Huff
      Navigator:1st Lt. Melvin L. Ouder
      Bombardier:1st Lt. Mart G. Smith
  2. Narrative.
    1.  Squadron and Group Assembly: Delaying the time of take off for the lead aircraft was made necessary due to failure to receive the GH bombing data before the scheduled take-off time. Upon becoming airborne, the lead ship took a direct route to Splasher #11, rather than following the briefed course to Leicester, in order to make up some of the lost time. The Splasher was reached at an altitude of 8,000 feet, 3,000 feet below the briefed height, and twenty-one minutes late (0625). The briefed route to the assembly area was followed with minor deviations which were caused by winds.
    2.  Route Over England: The assembly was carried out over Buncher A-39 on the continent. Considerable difficulty was encountered in the assembly because of weather, which forced the group to form at 16,000 feet instead of the briefed altitude of 11,000 feet. Also, the buncher is reported as having been very weak.
    3.  Division Assembly Line: The group left the assembly area four minutes late (0804) in fairly good formation. It had essed to the south of course in order to fall into its proper position behind the 94th “A” Group. By following the example of the 94th “A: Group in cutting corners Point Z was reached on time, on course, and at an altitude of 20,500 feet, 2,500 feet above the briefed altitude. The 94th “B” Group experienced no difficulties in attaining its proper position as the second formation in the Division Column.
    4.  Flight to Target: The briefed route to the target was followed, with only minor deviations which were necessary in order to stay in the Division Formation. All along the route, weather had forced the formation to higher-than-briefed altitudes, and the IP [Initial Point of Bomb Run] was reached at an altitude of 25,000 feet, 5000 feet above the briefed height.
    5.  Description of Bombing Run: After the briefed turn at the IP, the formation made a GH run on the primary target (Schwabmuncher) [sic]. Bombs were released in group formation at 1037 – eighteen minutes early. GH equipment and the C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] functioned satisfactorily. PFF equipment was used for navigational purposes only. No difficulties, other than those caused by clouds and contrails at the bombing altitude, were encountered on bombing run. The target was completely overcast, precluding the possibility of photographs of bombing results or visual observations at the target.
    6.  Flight From Target: The 94th “B” Group followed the 94th “A” on the withdrawal from the target, which accounts for the wider-than-briefed turn immediately after the target and other minor deviations from the briefed route over the continent. Because of bad weather conditions, the French coast was crossed slightly to the right of the briefed point at an altitude of 9,500 feet. The briefed course across the channel and back to base was not followed in an attempt to avoid weather on the briefed route. The English coast was crossed to the right of course, and the route to base cut out the briefed flight to Wisbeck. Base was reached at 1434, 86 minutes ahead of the scheduled ETR [Estimated Time of Return] (1600). A normal let-down procedure had been followed.
    7.  Fighter Support: Very good.
    8.  Comments: No aircraft were lost. Neither flak nor enemy aircraft were encountered. Ten-tenths clouds prevailed in the target area, and heavy contrails, as well as clouds, at the bombing altitude made formation flying difficult. The Weather Scouting Force was contacted and furnished accurate information regarding weather conditions.

      One aircraft which had been unable to locate the 94th “B” formation flew with the 379th Group, and bombed a target of opportunity (Ulm) with that formation.
    9.  Aircraft Not Attacking: One aircraft failed to attack due to mechanical difficulties which forced it to return early. Both flying spares attacked.

  [Signed] Carl C. Hinkle, Jr, Major, Air Corps, Operations Officer

351st Bombardment Group
Lead SquadronBorrowed AircraftHigh SquadronLow SquadronTOTALS
No. of Aircraft Failing to Take Off0000
No. of Aircraft Sorties121131238
No. of Aircraft Airborne Less Unused Spares121131238
No. of Aircraft Credit Sorties121131238
No. of Effective Sorties111131237
No. of Non-Effective Sorties10000
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Primary Target111121236
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs 66 x 500# GP 
44 x 500# IB
 3 x 500# GP 
4 x 500# IB
 72 x 500# GP 
48 x 500# IB
 72 x 500# GP 
48 x 500# IB
 213 x 500# GP 
144 x 500# IB
Name of Secondary Target
(A) No. of A/C Attacking Secondary Target
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
Name of Last Resort Target (LRT)
(A) No. of A/C Attacking LRT
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs
Name of Target of Opportunity (T.O.)ULM, GERMANY
(A) No. of A/C Attacking T.O.1*
(B) No., Size & Type Of Bombs6 x 500# GP
4 x 500# IB
No. of A/C MIA - Total00000
No. of A/C MIA - Flak
No. of A/C MIA - Flak and E/A
No. of A/C MIA - Enemy Aircraft
No. of A/C MIA - Accident over Enemy Terr.
No. of A/C MIA - Other and Unknown
Time of Take Off0527055005250520
Time of Attack1037103710371037
Total Time for Mission104:598:46119:46111:30345:01
Altitude of Release (Indicated)25,000’25,000’24,800’25,500’
Visual, H2X, Gee-H, M-H, Eagle, or CombinationGee-HGee-HGee-H
Enemy Resistance – AA Intensity & Accuracy0000
Enemy Resistance – Fighter0000
Enemy Resistance – Bombers0000
U.S. A/C Engaged by Enemy Aircraft0000
Number of Passes made by Enemy Aircraft0000
Non-Effective Sorties1001
(A) Weather
(B) Personnel1001
(C) Enemy Action
(D) Other Non-Mechanical
(E) Mechanical and Equipment10001
Incidents of Mechanical & Equipment Failure:
(A) Engine10001
(B) Oil System
(C) Fuel System
(D) Supercharger
(E) Propeller and Governor
(F) Communication System
(G) Guns and Turrets
(H) Bomb Release
(I) Bombay Doors
(J) Electric System
(K) Instruments
(L) Oxygen Equipment
(M) Bomb Sights
(N) A/C in General

* - Bombed with 379th Bomb Group.
GH A/C borrowed as follows: 44-8544 From 381st Bomb Group.
____ A/C loaned as follows: None

Lead Bombardier’s Narrative:
Date - 4 March, 1945
Field Order # 647
Squadron or Group - Lead Sqdn., 94th CBW "B" Group
Target - Schwabmunchen near Augsburg, Germany
  1. Type of Bombing (Visual, PFF or Combined)?  PFF
  2. Did Squadron perform own sighting operation, bomb on smoke marker, or was bombing done in Group Formation? Bombing was in Group Formation on the Lead; Low's M.H. [Magnetic Compass Heading] 348°, High's was 350° and bombs away took place at 1037 hours.
  3. Was turn made at briefed I.P.? Yes
  4. Cloud coverage and visibility. 10/10
  5. If Visual, when was MPI identified? If not actually seen, how was it located? PFF
  6. Any Interference on Bomb Run? None
  7. Did C-1 [Autopilot] function satisfactory? Yes
  8. Any other factors affecting accuracy? None
  [Signed] Robert E. McFarlane, Captain, Air Corps, Lead Bombardier

Combat Bombing Flight Record:

Lead Squadron, 94th CBW "B" Group
Bombardier - Capt. McFarlane, Robert E.
Pilot - Lt. Col. Stewart, J.T. & Capt. Trapp, N.A.
Navigator - 1st Lt. Luich, Albert W.

Aircraft B-17G   V-544  Take-off - 0550 Landed - 1440
Objective - Schwabmunchen near Augsburg, Germany
Aiming Point (MPI) [Mean Point of Impact] - PFF
Initial Point - As Briefed
Method of Attack - Bombing was in Group Formation on the Lead.
No. of Attacking A/C in Group: - 36   Composite Group - ____
Number A/C Dropping Bombs by own Sighting Operation: ____
Deflection and Range Sighting, Group: One   Composite Group - ____
Range Sighting only, Group - ____   Composite Group - ____
Bombs, Types and Sizes - 6 x 500 Lb. G.P.[General Purpose] & 4 x M17 I.B's [Incendiary Bomb]
Number of Bombs Loaded - As Above   Released - Same
Fusing, Nose - 1/10   Tail - 1/40
Synchronization - On

Information at Release Point:  Low's M.H. [Magnetic Compass Heading] was 348°, High's was 350°

Altitude of Target - 1,820Magnetic Heading Ordered 006° Actual 344°
True Altitude Above Target - 22,770True Heading 340°
Indicated Altitude - 25,000Drift, Estimated 6° Left - Actual 1° Left
Pressure Altitude of Target 1339True Track 339°
Altimeter Setting 29.92Actual Range 5,006.8'
Calculated Indicated Air Speed - 150KBomb Sight Type - M-9
True Air Speed - 193KTime of Release 1037 Hours
Ground Speed Est. 117 Actual 147Length of Bombing Run - 33 miles
Wind Direction Metro - 10° Actual - 345°Intervalometer Setting - 100'
Wind Velocity Metro 75 Actual 46 C-1 Pilot [Autopilot] - X [Used]
D.S. - 133.5  Trail - 56   ATF - 39.6A-5 Pilot _____
Tan. D.A, Est. .28 Actual .38 Manual Pilot - ____

Type of Release - Train 100'
Point of Impact If Seen - Unobserved (PFF)
Mean Temp. Metro -18 Actual -18
Winds - Altitude - 20,000 Ft.  Direction - Metro 10°  Actual 345°  Velocity - Metro 75  Actual 46
Temp C. - Metro -29° C. Actual -29° C.

Narrative Teletype Report:
  1. No leaflets were carried on today's mission.
  2. This Group bombed the primary target, an aircraft factory at Schwabmunchen, Germany, on the lead Gee H A/C and in group formation. The Gee H equipment worked reasonably well and the Mickey [Radar] fix places bombs away at 4810 N. – 1047 E. on a track of 346 degrees. The target area was cloud covered and there are no photographs of visual observations of bombing results.
  3. No E/A [Enemy Aircraft] were encountered and no claims [of enemy aircraft being shot down] are being submitted.
  4. One crew reported meager inaccurate flak at the target. The only other flak reported by planes in our formation was a few bursts observed several miles away and about 2,000 feet low in the vicinity of Fryburg.
  5. 10/10ths clouds prevailed in the target area and heavy contrails and clouds at bombing altitude and above made formation flying very difficult. On two occasions collisions with other groups were narrowly averted in the poor visibility. Assembly had to be made above the briefed altitude and much of the route was flown higher than briefed.
  6. There are no observations of military importance.
  7. PFF a/c employed by this group worded well and were used as navigational aids only. The Scouting Force furnished helpful and accurate weather information. Fighter escort gave very good cover. Our a/c M-900 could not find this group on assembly and bombed with Kimbolton [379th Bomb Group]. Two of our a/c, C-952 and N-169, were forced to land at Glatton [457th Bomb Group] due to shortage of petrol. The assembly bunchers on the Continent were extremely weak and clouds were more dense and higher than briefed so an accurate assessment of crew opinions on the new assembly could not be made. Generally comments on the assembly plan were in its favor. None of our a/c are missing.

Track Chart:
Click on Chart to Enlarge

Combat Crew Comments:

    508th Squadron:
A/C 956-L:  Buncher A-39 in France is extremely weak; we couldn’t pick it up until we were almost on top of it. – Lt. Rohr.
A/C M-900: Buncher signal too weak. – F/O Coffman.

    509th Squadron:
A/C 920-O: Poor Squadron lead. – Lt. Nowakowski.
A/C 705-V: Suggest Communications take inverter boxes from navigators’ table to make navigators more efficient. – Lt. Gwyn.

  [Signed:] Robert P. Ramsey, Major, Air Corps, Group S-2 [Intelligence].

Mission Summary Report:
  1. Abortives and Flying Spares:
    1. Airplane No. 43-37512, 510th Squadron, returned early. Pilot stated #2 engine out. Investigation revealed internal rings and piston failure of #2 engine. This engine had been given compression check on 26 February, 1945 and checked very satisfactorily. Oil consumption has been constant at five (5) quarts per hour
  [Signed:] John W. Freeman, Captain, Air Corps, Group Engineering Officer

Abortive Report
Aircraft No. S-37512 Squadron - 510 - Lead Date - 4 March 1945
    1. Reason for abortive Lost #2 Engine
    2. Place and altitude 47°48'N 7°45'E  23,000'
    3. Time 0915
    4. Position in formation [Flying] With Square H [Bomb Group] Third Division.
    5. Disposition of bombs Brought Bombs Back
    6. Remarks Never Didn't join Group Formation.
    7. Time & Date dispatched ____
      (Pilot's Signature) Elvin L. Haskins
“J” Form:
  1. Last Four numbers and Call Letter of A/C in each Squadron:
    a. 94th Combat Wing "B" Group   Lead Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: None
    Sqdn 509th A/C: None
    Sqdn 510th A/C: A–8465, B–6610, C–9020, D–8694, L–7515, M–9001, O–8435, P–8038, S–7512, T–9156, (N–7665 Spare)
    Sqdn 511th A/C: (U–8374 PFF)
    Sqdn 533th A/C: (V–8544 GH) A/C 381st Gp, 533rd Sqdn

    b. 94th Combat Wing "B" Group   Low Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C: A–8410, B–7394, D–6082, G–8954, H–8412, K–8130, L–7956, M–7900, P–7258, Q–8799, U–8813
    Sqdn 509th A/C: None
    Sqdn 510th A/C: (U–7216 Spare)
    Sqdn 511th A/C: (J–8468 PFF)

    c. 94th Combat Wing "B" Group   High Squadron - 351st Group
    Sqdn 508th A/C:
    Sqdn 509th A/C: F–6566, G–8617, L–2955, N–7169, O–8920, P–6907
    Sqdn 510th A/C: K–7252, V–7705
    Sqdn 511th A/C: (D–8664 PFF), C–6952, G–8872, Q–6565
  2. Target: GY-4900
  3. W/T and R/T Operational Call Sign of each Squadron:
    Squadron508 [Call Sign]W/T NVW R/T CARLTONSquadron510 [Call Sign]W/T PRX R/T TIPSTAFF
    Squadron509 [Call Sign]W/T LJN R/T HOTMINTSquadron511 [Call Sign]W/T RBQ R/T PARTNERSHIP
  4. Taxi – 0500; Take-Off – 0510; E.T.D. Field – 0510
  5. Time:Height:Place of Crossing English Coast: (OUT)
    095711,000 FtLittle Hampton
  6. Time:Height:Place of Crossing Enemy Coast: (IN)
    100111,000 FtFecamp [France]
  7. Time:Height:Place of Crossing Enemy Coast: (Out)
    14108,000 Ft50°13'N-01°35'E [Le Crotoy, France]
  8. Time:Height:Place of Crossing English Coast: (IN)
    14438,000 FtBeachy Head
  9. E.T.R.(Estimated Time of Return) Base: 1600 Hours
  10. MF/DF [Medium Frequency/Direction Finder] Section: "N"
  11. Bomb load of Each A/C: "A" Lead Box
    Lead Squadron: 6 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40 Plus 4 M-17 IB's [Incendiary Bombs]
    Low Squadron: 6 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40 Plus 4 M-17 IB's [Incendiary Bombs]
    High Squadron: 6 x 500 G.P. - 1/10 x 1/40 Plus 4 M-17 IB's [Incendiary Bombs]
    ___ Squadron:
  12. Fuel Load of each A/C: 2780 Gallons
  13. Leaders:
    Lead Sqdn: Rank & Name: Lt. Col. Stewart A/C No & Sqdn. v-8544 GH (533)
    Low Sqdn: Rank & Name: Lt. Peterson A/C No & Sqdn. J-8468 PFF (511)
    High Sqdn: Rank & Name: Capt. Maish A/C No & Sqdn. D-8664 PFF (511)
  14. Passengers, if any: (Full Name, Rank, A/C and Squadron Passenger flying with)

Report Compiled By Grasmehr, Sgt.

Formation Chart:
94th "B" Group - Lead Squadron Formation at Take–Off
510th Squadron
A/C 44-8544 V GH 381st Gp
A/C 42-38038 P
A/C 44-8374 U PFF
A/C 43-39020 C
A/C 43-39001 M
Peterson, A.E.
A/C 44-6610 B
A/C 43-38465 A
A/C 43-38435 O
A/C 43-38694 D
A/C 43-39156 T
A/C 43-37665 N Spare
A/C 43-37512 S
A/C 43-37515 L

94th "B" Group Lead Squadron Formation Over–Target
510th Squadron
A/C 44-8544 V GH 381st Gp
A/C 42-38038 P
A/C 44-8374 U PFF
A/C 43-39020 C
A/C 43-39001 M
Peterson, A.E.
A/C 44-6610 B
A/C 43-38465 A
A/C 43-38435 O
A/C 43-38694 D
A/C 43-39156 T
A/C 43-37665 N
A/C 43-37515 L

[Lt Haskins could not find the formation and flew with 379th Group. Lt Mahnke, the flying spare filled in Lt Haskins position.]

94th "B" Group - High Squadron Formation at Take–Off and Over Target
509th Squadron
A/C 44-8664 D PFF
A/C 43-38920 O
A/C 43-38872 G
A/C 44-6907 P
A/C 44-6566 F
A/C 42-102955 L
A/C 44-6565 Q
A/C 42-97169 N
A/C 43-37705 V
A/C 44-8617 G
A/C 44-6952 C
A/C 42-97252 K

94th "B" Group - Low Squadron Formation at Take–Off
508th Squadron
Peterson, T.G.
A/C 44-8468 J PFF
A/C 43-38813 U
A/C 43-38954 G
A/C 44-8410 A
A/C 42-97349 B
A/C 43-37956 L
A/C 44-6082 D
A/C 43-37900 M
A/C 43-38799 Q
A/C 44-8412 H
A/C 42-97216 U Spare
A/C 42-97258 P
A/C 43-38130 K

94th "B" Group - Low Squadron Formation at Over Target
508th Squadron
A/C 44-8468 J PFF
A/C 43-38813 U
A/C 43-38954 G
A/C 44-8410 A
A/C 42-97349 B
A/C 43-37956 L
A/C 44-6082 D
A/C 42-97216 U
A/C 43-38799 Q
A/C 44-8412 H
A/C 42-97258 P
A/C 43-38130 K

[Lt Russell lost the formation and flew with Triangle K, 379th Bomb Group. Lt Westerkamp, the flying spare, filled in his position.]

Time Schedule:
Zero Hour: 0900 BST [British Standard Time]  Briefing: Enlisted Men 0245; Officers 0300 Stations: 0425 Start Engines: 0435 Taxi: 0455 Take-Off: 0510  Leave Base: 0510 [Breakfast: Enlisted Men 0145; Officers 0200]

[Wounded On Mission: 0]
The above records were obtained at the National Archives Records Administration and have been declassified by authority NND 745005
Please contact us with your comments and corrections.